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-3- <br /> Ed Baker wished to discuss betterments and their prepayments with the <br /> committee. Mr. Baker would like to set up another reserve account for <br /> betterment prepayments. Mr. Gaggin felt that prepayments should be <br /> put into the Stabilization Account. Mr. Baker MOTIONED to request the <br /> Board of Selectmen ask the state legislature to put an article on the <br /> next town warrant to establish a reserve account for betterment <br /> prepayments. John Ferriday seconded the motion and members voted 7-o <br /> in favor. <br /> CORRESPONDENCE <br /> Ms. Greelish drafted some memos, which if approved would be sent. She <br /> stated that she would like to send a memo to the Board of Selectmen <br /> asking that they include the chairperson of the Finance Committee to <br /> be on their financial team. Members agreed. She asked to send a memo <br /> to all departments indicating a policy for Reserve Fund Requests. <br /> Members agreed. Ms. Greelish indicated that Marilyn Farren, <br /> Personnel, funded the committee for 30 meetings rather than 20. She <br /> indicated that she would like to send a memo to each department who <br /> uses town vehicles req"esting a equipment replacement schedule, e.g. <br /> trading, available for another dApartment, useful parts, etc. This <br /> would also include computers and copiers. Members agreed to send this <br /> memo. There were also memos which members agreed to send regarding <br /> cranberry bogs, town report content, employee pay; and a memo to the <br /> school department regarding the town report content. Ms. Greelish <br /> issued copies of these d=afts to each member for their files. <br /> Mr. Baker also had a proposal for a referendum question to be pl aced <br /> on the town warrant regarding a 1.5% seller's tax to be equally <br /> apportioned to three accounts subject to town meeting appropria-tion; - <br /> 1. costs associated with the sO)nol department expenditures for <br /> Mashpee children at any grade level up to and including pre-fir'st; 2 . <br /> school facilities construction and other school department capital <br /> needs; and 3 . acquisition of town conservation lands. Members agreed <br /> to discuss this at a later meeting and they also agreed to try to come <br /> up with their own ideas for sources of revenue for the town. <br /> Meeting adjourned aL 2.LN : OOPM. Minutes submitted by Jean M. Mooney, <br /> Recording Secretary. The next meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, <br /> January 26, 1993 at 7-. 00PM. Scheduled for discussion is the <br /> Barnstable County Retirement Association and possibly the police <br /> captain. <br />