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MASHPEE FINANCE COMMITTEE MEETING MINUTES <br /> MARCH 4, 1993 <br /> MEETING COMMENCED AT 7 :00 PM <br /> Members Present: Deirdre Greelish, Chairperson; Dan Goggin, vice <br /> Chairperson; John Ferriday; Ed Baker; Tony Gallo and Roger Dunivan. <br /> The taping of this meeting was for transcriptional purposes only <br /> and the tapes will be reused. <br /> MINUTES <br /> Ed Baker MOTIONED to accept the Minutes of March 2, 1993 . John <br /> Ferriday seconded the motion and members voted in acceptance of the <br /> Minutes 5-0; Deirdre Greelish abstaining. Denise Sullivan was not <br /> present at the meeting. <br /> Dan Goggin MOTIONED to accept the memos, which Deirdre drafted to <br /> the Board of Selectmen for tonight's meeting. The memos consisted <br /> of a By-law change request not being necessary; inviting Wampanoag <br /> Tribal Council to assist in Eco-Tourism; contacting the Water <br /> District re: Stonedust instead of grass; privatization of cleaning <br /> of town buildings; and lastly a reminder of the March 2nd meeting <br /> in which temporary borrowing, lifeguards and the people who are <br /> authorized to sign Middle School warrants, were discussed. John <br /> Ferriday seconded the Motion to accept the drafts and members voted <br /> 5-0, Deirdre abstaining. The originals were signed and delivered. <br /> Dan Goggin and Ed Baker wished to speak about the town's revenues. <br /> Roger Dunivan stated that he wished to save the revenues discussion <br /> for a later meeting. Deirdre suggested scheduling a meeting with <br /> the executive secretary and getting an updated printout from the <br /> town accountant, to see exactly the amount of revenue the committee <br /> will work with. <br /> SCHOOL BUDGET <br /> John Ferriday mentioned that he would be happy with a figure <br /> somewhere between level funding and an additional '$400,000. Some <br /> members agreed that $4,000 per student seems reasonable. There was <br /> a question as to whether Dr. DeMourals or Tom Fudala's number of <br /> students were more accurate. There seems to be a discrepancy of <br /> approximately 30 students who will be entering kindergarten. Dr. <br /> DeMoura lists the amount of children as 182 . Mr. Fudala lists the <br /> amount as 152 children. Deirdre asked Mr. Baker how it would <br /> impact his decision if the committee used Mr. Fudala's figures or <br /> Dr. DeMourals. Mr. Baker stated that he was willing to give them <br /> a number based on the following formula (kindergarten through <br /> eighth grade students projected for FY94 x $4,185 - State and <br /> Federal aid to the school department + $100,000) . Ms. Greelish <br /> asked Mr. Baker where the $100,000 came from? He stated that it <br /> was listed as the high school transportation figure. Mr. Gallo <br />