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Proposed definitions : <br /> There are two basic categories of employees : Regular and Temporary <br /> Regular Employees work continuously year round in positions authorized <br /> by vote of the Town Meeting . A regular employee may either work full- <br /> time or part-time . <br /> Full-time is 40 hours per week for su ervisor and <br /> p p y professional employees , <br /> and 37� hours for administrative and clerical employees . <br /> Standard Part-Time (t20 hrs . ) is less than full-time but not less than <br /> 20 hours per week . <br /> Non-Standard Part-Time (-20 his . ) is less than 20 hours per week . <br /> Temporary Employees are hired for limited periods of time to perform <br /> specific duties . <br /> 1 . No Temporary Employee shall work for longer than four months for any <br /> one department within a year . <br /> 2 . No Temporary Employee shall work for the Town of Mashpee for more than <br /> 999 hours in any consecutive twelve-month period . <br /> 3 . A specific job description must be outlined for the project on which a <br /> temporary employee is to work. <br /> Draft <br /> 9/25/89 <br />