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PERSONNEL BOARD <br /> MINUTES OF OCTOBER 2 , 1989 <br /> MASHPEE TOWN HALL <br /> The following members of the Personnel Board were present for tonight ' s <br /> meeting : Chairman Robert W. Sullivan , Manuel Glickman , C . Ben Lofchie <br /> and Jane Stockbridge . <br /> Chairman Sullivan convened the meeting promptly at 6 :00 p .m . <br /> Policy on Special Service Contracts <br /> The Board reviewed a draft of a policy on special service contracts which <br /> will be submitted to the Finance Committee for review and then to the <br /> Board of Selectmen for adoption . (copy attached ) . Chairman Sullivan com- <br /> mented that they have been advertising a price for a position and then <br /> turn around and give another price . Jane Stockbridge said that she dis- <br /> cussed personal service contracts at the M. M . P .A. seminar and no one said <br /> they gave personal service contracts except to the Library Director or <br /> the Executive Secretary . Bob O ' Hare ( a consultant at the conference ) was <br /> wondering if it was legal to offer personal service contracts except to <br /> the Library Director and Executive Secretary . The Personnel Assistant was <br /> asked to call Bob O ' Hare to see if he checked the law . <br /> With regard to advertising at a salary range , Ben Lofchie commented that it <br /> will depend on the position available at the time . He would want to review <br /> each one . Manny Glickman commented that our salary range {.';would be based <br /> on experience . If the Board selected a person and the ad read $27 , 000 to <br /> $30 , 000 and the Selectmen want to hire at the limit , Selectmen make the <br /> final decision. Jane Stockbridge asked if there was anything on the appli- <br /> cation where it would be understood that thesalary is such and such . The <br /> Personnel Assistant commented that it is not on the application . Ben Lofchie <br /> said that the Board always tells them at the interview . Jane Stockbridge <br /> commented that they should keep within the salary range as personal service <br /> contracts are circumventing the P .A.P . if they pay them beyond the range . <br /> C . Ben Lofchie moved to send . the draft on to the Finance Committee for review . <br /> Manuel Glickman seconded . All in favor . <br /> Secretary for School Building Needs Committee <br /> The Personnel Assistant advised the Board that the School Building Needs Com- <br /> mittee is need of a Board Secretary . The school superintendent ' s secretary , <br /> Marge O ' Brien , has applied for the position asking for more money than what <br /> was advertised . The Assistant told the Board that Jeff Nutting , Acting Execu- <br /> tive Secretary , was concerned about the FLSA laws in having to pay an indi- <br /> vidual time and one half for hours worked over 40 hours weekly . This would <br /> happen if Marge O ' Brien was appointed to the position . A ruling is being <br /> sought from Town Counsel . <br /> A <br /> Jane Stockbridge commented that we should not pay more than what other Board <br /> Secretaries are being paid . C . Ben Lofchie asked that the position be ad- <br /> vertised in the newspaper for a part-time Board Secretary for the School <br /> Building Needs Committee . Jane Stockbridge added to Ben ' s request by saying <br /> that it should be advertised with the state3salary . Manuel Glickman seconded . <br /> All in favor . . <br /> i <br /> i A <br />