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Personnel Board Minutes <br /> Meeting of October 2 , 1989 Page 2 <br /> Annual M.M.P .A . Conference <br /> Jane Stockbridge presented the Board with a summary of the workshops which <br /> she attended at the Annual M.M.P .A. Conference . She commented on the fact <br /> that there were three questions which she was asked to gather information . <br /> 1 . What the prevalence of personal service contracts is? The answer was <br /> that only the Executive Secretary and the Library Director were covered by <br /> such contracts . It was even suggested that it might not be legal for other <br /> contracts to be written . 2 . Are there benefits given for employees who <br /> work less than 20 hours per week in other municipal-ities? This question <br /> was met with surprise and no one volunteered that they gave benefits to <br /> those employees . Falmouth representatives seemed to feel that doing this <br /> would create problems in other municipalities . 3 ) . . What benefits are we <br /> required legally to provide for employees working 20 hours per week or <br /> more? Bob O ' Hare (aconsultantat the conference ) said that he would have <br /> to check it out to make certain of his response . <br /> Jane Stockbridge told the Board that she now thinks they should not rush <br /> into granting benefits to the under 20 hours employees . They first must <br /> acknowledge the feelings of employees whocdid not receive paid time-off ; <br /> but they knew when they were hired that their positions did not include <br /> any benefits . Second , there is apolicy in place in the P .A .P . (page 4 ) <br /> that employees who work less than 20 ' hours per week shall not receive <br /> fringe benefits under the plan . _ '• _ <br /> Manny Glickman commented that their reasons were to help fill the void in <br /> that section of personnel needs . Jane Stockbridge said that they .are ask- <br /> ing the employees to adhere to the Personnel Administration Plan . <br /> Jane commented that wekshould consider ourselves lucky here versus what <br /> other municipalities are having to do in laying people off . <br /> Chairman Sullivan commented that ten years ago all employees received was <br /> the cost of living and they never had problems with stepsand grades . <br /> The Board members agreed to give this some further thought and review . <br /> Municipal Salary Survey <br /> Jane Stockbridge brought in the Municipal Salary Survey which was given <br /> out at the M . M.P .A . conference . It includes the salaries of positions in <br /> several towns throughout the Commonwealth . Also included with the pass-out <br /> information was Collective Bargaining Settlements ( o ) for 1989 , 1990 and <br /> 1991 of Fire , Police , D.P .W. workers and Clerical help in several towns <br /> throughout Massachusetts . <br /> Meeting adjourned at 7 : 35 p .m . <br /> /Respectfully submitted , <br /> 1Narilvn Farren <br /> Personnel Assistant <br /> mf <br /> a <br />