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PERSONNEL BOARD <br /> MEETING OF AUGUST 28 , 1989 <br /> MASHPEE TOWN HALL <br /> The following members of the Personnel Board were present for tonight ' s <br /> meeting : C . Ben Lofchie , Manuel Glickman and Jane Stockbridge . <br /> C . Ben Lofchie chaired the meeting in the absence ofChairmanSullivan . <br /> The meeting convened at 6 : 00 p .m . <br /> Personnel Minutes of August 7 <br /> . With reference to Employee Physicals in the minutes of August 7 , Manuel <br /> Glickman asked if it was the intent of all three department heads , Police , <br /> Fire , and D .P .W . to increase the physical to include a stress . EKG , blood <br /> work and a chest x-ray every other year until age 35 and then every year <br /> after that for employees in their departments . Ben Lofchie and Jane <br /> Stockbridge advised Manuel Glickman that it was the intent of all three <br /> department heads and that it would havetobe negotiated . Manny .asked <br /> that it be stated in the minutes to make it clear that the D .P .W . Direc- <br /> tor , Fire Chief and Police Chief were all in agreement .- With that noted <br /> change , C . Ben Lofchie moved to accept the minutes of August 7 , 1989 . <br /> JaneStockbridgeseconded the motion . Manuel Glickman abstained from the <br /> vote as he was .not present during the meeting of August 7 . Vote 2 -1 in <br /> favor . <br /> Annual Evaluations <br /> The Board reviewed annual evaluations for Amelia Mosley , William Ferbert <br /> and Thomas Fudala . All evaluations were favorable . Manuel Glickman <br /> moved to accept the evaluations . Jane Stockbridgeseconded the motion . <br /> All in favor . <br /> Annual Meeting of M. M. P. A. , <br /> The Board .was advised that the annual meeting of the Mass . Municipal <br /> Personnel Association will be held on September, 29 and September 30 in <br /> Chatham . The topics of discussionwill be : "Communicating , the Keys <br /> to Public Service and Internal ;Effectiveness " , "The Drug Free Workplace " , <br /> "Compensation Packaging When the Well is Dry" , "Planning Considerations <br /> for RIF ' s and Layoffs " . Cost of seminar is $50 which has been included <br /> in the Personnel Board ' s budget . Jane Stockbridge indicated that . she <br /> would be interested in attending the seminar . Manuel Glickman moved. to <br /> send Jane Stockbridge to the seminar .. Ben Lofchie seconded . . All in <br /> favor . <br /> Secretarial Seminar - <br /> The Personnel Assistant advised the Board that several employees were in- <br /> terested in attending a secretarial seminar to be held onOctober26 in <br /> Hyannis by Prime Learning International of Alpine , Utah . Employe-es in- <br /> terested in attending the seminar are : Helen Theoharidis , Jean Lundquist , <br /> Amelia Mosley , Patricia White , Veronica Warden and Marilyn Farren . The <br /> seminar is offered for all office personnel : secretaries , assistants , <br /> office managers ,. clerks , receptionists , and clerical supervisors . Topics <br /> to be discussed will be : Being Pleasantly Assertive , Office Professional- <br /> ism; -:Memory Skills ; Time Management that Works ; Stress Management; Work- <br /> ing Effectively With Everyone ; and Self-Concept for Secretaries . After <br /> some discussion by the Board members of the cost which is $69 per person <br /> with every fifth person attending free of charge and monies coming out of <br /> the Education Account , . Manny Glickman moved to send qualified personnel <br /> to the secretarial seminar provided that recommendations as., to the quality <br />