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Personnel Board Minutes <br /> Meeting of August128,, 1989 _ Page 3 <br /> Meeting With Ernie Virgilio , cont . <br /> Jane Stockbridge asked Ernie if his people did some of the things on the <br /> maintenance setup? Ernie repli'ed 'that they do not have money and do not <br /> have the people and it is back in their lap 'again . He commented that he <br /> is in the process of figuring how much money is needed which will be in <br /> the hundred thousand dollar bracket . <br /> Manny Glickman asked if there were any additional burdens? Ernie re- <br /> plied that the new school, was additional as his department maintains all <br /> mowings . They also maintain allwoodlandsthat the town has purchased . <br /> Also , there has been an increase in the amount of town owned roads . <br /> Manny Glickman asked what the future status was of the temporary employees? <br /> Ernie replied that he will take one of the four temporaries and put them <br /> on permanently with the opening of George Maddox . It will be an in-house <br /> advertisement. Jane Stockbridge pointed out that the P .A .P . currently <br /> allows for benefits of temporary employees with work more than six months <br /> for unforseen reasons . Ernie replied that if his articles did not go <br /> through at the special town meeting he would pursue the benefits for his <br /> employees . <br /> Ben Lofchie noted that the article needed to be worded properly to in- <br /> clude a breakdown of appropriation for the benefits . He asked that Ernie <br /> designate one of his office staff to work with the Personnel Assistant <br /> in getting the proper wording for the article . <br /> Part-Time Help ( less than 20 hrs . ) <br /> Both Manny Glickman and Jane Stockbridge said that they have been doing <br /> some review .of benefits for part-time help ( less than 20 hrs . ) . The <br /> Personnel Assistant said that she had contacted the Mass . Municipal <br /> Association about benefits for part-time help ( less than 20hrs . ) and <br /> they said that it isn ' t the norm for towns to give benefits to those <br /> positions . Manny Glickman said that he hoped it would save money be- <br /> cause it will be less of a turnover of personnel . <br /> Jane Stockbridge said that she was amazed to find that temporary people <br /> do have benefits in her review of the P .A.P . <br /> Some discussioncenteredon classifying these positions . Jane Stockbridge <br /> recommended that they be called Standard Part Time and Non=Standard Part- <br /> Time Positions . - - <br /> More study will be made by Manny and Jane . Manny asked to discuss a few <br /> things with the assistant during the week . He said that he wanted to make <br /> it clear in his mind what the difference was between a part-time person <br /> less than 20 hours and a temporary part-time person working less than 20 <br /> hours . <br /> Temporary Help - Treasurer ' s Office <br /> The Assistant advised- the- Board that the application deadline had closed <br /> for the advertisement of temporary help in the Treasurer ' s Office . Since <br /> Leo Turo is the liaison person for that department and is in the hospital , <br /> the Board asked the assistant to ask Chairman Sullivan to review the ap- <br /> plications . <br />
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