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L;. <br /> Personnel Board - <br /> Minutes of August 7 , 1989 - Page 3 <br /> Employee Physicals , cont . <br /> Ernie Virgilio suggested .that the Board think about implementing an <br /> exercise program which would .benegotiable - <br /> Ben Lofchie commented that he did not think thephysicalwas worth <br /> the money the town is spending ., - <br /> Chief Frye said that he has not seen' Dr., Silva for the past three years . <br /> He said that they could send the younger people for a physical every <br /> other year . Chief Ridgeway suggested every other year until they reach <br /> 35 yrs . old . He commented that physical fitness programs are negotiable . <br /> C. Ben Lofchie moved to increase physicals to include a stress EKG, blood <br /> work and a chest x-ray every other year until_ age 35 and then every year <br /> after that for Police , Fire and D . P .W. employees . Jane Stockbridge seconded <br /> the motion . All in favor . Also , all three departments heads were in favor . <br /> Discussion centered a-s!:o_u.n?d what to do with an employee if he did not keep <br /> his physical scheduled for him . Ernie Virgilio said that if an employee <br /> is given a date for a physical , you must have liability for not going . <br /> Leo Turo said that an employee should be assessed for cost of service . <br /> Chief Frye commented that some men have been called into Court with a two- <br /> hour notice and then there is sick leave . <br /> The Personnel Assistant suggested contacting Shawn Kerrigan , the district <br /> representative of Blue Cross , to ask if any part of the physical would be . <br /> covered by an employee ' s health insurance . Chief Frye commented that the <br /> chest x-ray was given free. at one time by the county . <br /> Removal of Records from Personnel File <br /> Chairman Sullivan asked Chief Frye .about' theremoval of records from the <br /> personnel file for police -officers as per his- memo . Chief Frye replied <br /> that the contract is negotiated for removal of records from the past from <br /> a -police officer ' s file for complaints against a police officer which re- <br /> sulted in no disciplinary action . - <br /> a. <br /> Both Jane Stockbridge and Ben Lofchie suggested that we check with Counsel <br /> to ask if it is legal to remove records from the personnel files. <br /> Leo Turo suggested calling the Secretary of State ' s office to request a <br /> copy of booklet regarding retention of records . <br /> Entry-Level Police Exam Guidelines <br /> Chief Frye asked what the status of the entry-level guidelines was and if <br /> the Board had heard from Selectman Carter. He indicated that he had talked <br /> with Selectman Gottleib and he was to follow up . Chairman Sullivan asked <br /> that a joint letter be sent to Selectman Carter with a copy to the Board <br /> of Selectmen asking what the status was of the guidelines . It was noted <br /> that the Board sent in the last revisions in February . <br /> Finance Committee Meeting <br /> Chairman Ed Dolan asked that members of the Personnel Board meet with the <br /> Finance Committee at their next meeting of August 15 at 8 : 15 p .m . The <br /> Board ' s topics will be : C .O .L . Increase , Special Contracts , Limiting Use <br /> of Floating Clerk , Benefits for P . T. Employees (less than 20 hrs . ) , backing <br /> for the Board of Health article , employee physicals , wages for personnel , <br /> . a printer for the Personnel Office and what the State shortfall will be . <br />
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