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Personnel Board <br /> Minutes of August 7 , 1989 - - Page 2 <br /> Meeting With George Costa , cont . <br /> George Costa told the Personnel Board that they try to make sure every- <br /> thing is self-sufficient and that they do not try to pad their depart- <br /> ment ' s budget . <br /> C . Ben Lofchie moved to accept the Board of Health ' s request to support <br /> the .full-time position and to do all in their power to help it go through . <br /> Jane Stockbridge seconded the motion . All in favor . <br /> With regard to their request for monies to come from the expense account , <br /> theBoardwill follow up with Mr . Nutting . <br /> Fair Labor Standard Handbook Bill <br /> The Personnel Assistant brought to the attention of the Board a renewal <br /> notice for the Fair Labor Standard Handbook . The Board members asked <br /> who the bill had come to . The Assistant advised the Board that it was <br /> received in the Selectmen ' s office anal passed .over to the Personnel Of- <br /> fice for payment . The Board asked who had the books . The Assistant re- <br /> plied that the Executive Secretary had the books but was willing to share <br /> them with the Personnel Office . Board member Ben Lofchie moved to have <br /> the Selectmen pay the statement . Leo Turo seconded the motion . All in <br /> favor . <br /> Subscription to Public Employment Law Report - <br /> After review of an issue of the . Public EmploymentLaw Report , Leo Turo <br /> moved to subscribe to the newsletter for one year . Jane Stockbridge <br /> seconded . All in favor . Note : Ben Lofchie asked to put a hold on this <br /> after. reviewing the memo from the Treasurer- & Accountant later in the mtg . <br /> Employee Physicals <br /> The Board met with Chi-ef ; Ridgeway , Chief Frye and Ernie Virgilio regarding <br /> annual physicals . <br /> Chief Ridgeway told the Board that the entry-level physical was a good <br /> physical ; however , the annual physical is not good . He said that he met <br /> with Dr . Silva on two occasions . The exam they have consists of a general <br /> physical exam . <br /> In follow-up to request of Chairman Sullivan , Chief Ridgeway advised the <br /> Board that he met. with the office Manager at Dr . Silva ' s office . <br /> Currently, the annual physical consists of general physicals and not a <br /> comprehensive one .. , He said that he is concerned about the heart-lung bill . <br /> Chief Ridgeway suggested that the Board think about requiring acomprehen- <br /> sive physical exam every year , blood work every year , a stress EKG every <br /> three years and achest x-ray every three years . The cost would be approx- <br /> imately $206 not including the EKG and X-Ray ._ The chest x-ray would cost <br /> $59 and the EKG about $22 (he was not sure what the stress EKG costs were , li <br /> but thought they ranged from $250 to $300 . ) <br /> Chief Ridgeway explained to the Board that all his new hires have had <br /> these tests in the past year; therefore , implementing this extra would . <br /> be less in his department . <br /> Ernie Virgilio told the Board that the biggest problem with his people is <br /> that they are afraid you will find something wrong and fire them . <br />