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PERSONNEL BOARD <br /> MEETING OF NOVEMBER 27 , 1989 <br /> MASHPEE TOWN HALL <br /> The following members of the Personnel Board were present for tonight ' s <br /> meeting : C . Ben Lofchie , Acting Chairman ; Manuel Glickman and � Jane <br /> Stockbridge . <br /> Acting Chairman Lofchie convened the meeting at 6 :00 p .m . <br /> Interview for Part-Time Clerk/Bookkeeper <br /> The Personnel Board interviewed Leslie Willis for the permanent position <br /> of Clerk/Bookkeeper to the Town Accountant .. The applicant was advised <br /> that the position consisted of 24 hours weekly and that the rate of pay <br /> is $7 .74/hrly . A copy of the job description was given to Leslie . She <br /> told the Board that 24 hours would work out fine and that the Town Account_a" <br /> ant wanted to add an extra day onto the schedule . It was noted that Leslie <br /> has been working in the position as a Temporary Clerk for the past four <br /> months . Manny Glickman asked Leslie how things have been working out in <br /> the four months that she has worked in the position? Leslie replied that <br /> she enjoys the position a lot and that it has worked out well . Jane Stock- <br /> bridge commented that it is a very important office . Leslie replied that <br /> it is very interesting and that she has learned a lot . ( Note : The typing <br /> test was administered when Leslie was hired as a Temporary employee . ) <br /> After the interview , the Board asked that a memo be sent to the Board of <br /> Selectmen recommending Leslie Willis for the permanent position of Clerk/ <br /> Bookkeeper . <br /> Other Positions Being Advertised <br /> The Personnel Assistant advised the Board that there are other positions <br /> currently being advertised in house : Secretary to Conservation Commission , <br /> Board of Health Clerk and .Board of Assessor ' s Senior Clerk . The position <br /> of Floating Clerk is being advertised in the newspapers . The Personnel <br /> Board will be responsible for interviewing for the secretarial position to <br /> the Conservation Commission and the Floating Clerk position as these posi- <br /> tions are classified under the town ' s Personnel Administration Plan . The <br /> other positions are Union positions . The Board of Health will interview <br /> for the position in their department and the Board of Assessors will inter- <br /> view for the position in their department . <br /> Budget Discussion <br /> The Personnel Assistant advised the Board that all departments will be re- <br /> quired to submit two budgets . One budget will be a level servicebudget <br /> and the other budget is to reduce this years budget by 100 . The Board dis- <br /> cussed cost of living and where they would 'make cuts in their budgets . One <br /> area of the budget that the Board considered cutting was the employee educa- <br /> tion and the other area was town physicals . The Board asked that .two memos <br /> be sent to the Board on Selectmen . One memo dealt with the Education Acct . <br /> asking that all department heads notify their personnel , including those <br /> with special contracts , that they should obtain . approval. of the Personnel Bd . <br /> prior to taking an educational courses that is to be paid for under the <br /> Personnel Board Education Account . <br />