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PERSONNEL BOARD <br /> MINUTES OF MAY 20. 1991 , cont . <br /> formatted similar to the other job descriptions that were recently <br /> updated . <br /> Waterway Assistant <br /> The Personnel Assistant advised the Board that she received a re- <br /> quest from the Harbormaster to advertise the position of Waterway <br /> Assistant which the Executive Secretary approved . She commented <br /> that additional requirements were being asked on the request which <br /> were not on the job description (C. P.R. , the ability to swim ) . <br /> Also, he did not include the Shellfish duties in the job request . <br /> Chairman Sullivan pointed out that it states on the job description <br /> to work with Shellfish Constable as required. The Assistant said <br /> that she sent the Executive Secretary a note asking to discuss the <br /> job description with him. <br /> The Meeting adjourned at 7 : 05 p.m. <br /> Respectfully submitted, <br /> Marilyn Farren <br /> Personnel Assistant <br /> mf <br />