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.sr�ds,:n ..+: ,. '¢�ptc•3f :;.sri„ F�... ._zs_ ..„ '��faa'�i ....� � 'ha'�, <br /> Reynolds unanimously selected as the Secretary. <br /> 6. Brief Review of Materials Sent and School Committee package- <br /> a. Mr. Feldman discussed the material sent out in the <br /> School Council packets . One item was an article on the <br /> effect of dis--inline on Schools . He stated that when <br /> schools are developing discipline programs this article is <br /> the type of information they should draw from. Ms. Cragwell <br /> stated her views on the article and how she agreedwith the <br /> premise presented. Ms . Davis commented on the article <br /> titled "Their Best Teachers . ” <br /> b. Mr . Feldman discussed a letter sent out to parents on <br /> the possibility of participating in Community Problem <br /> Solvers . Mr. Feldman suggested we may want to develop the <br /> program on our own this year, to develop the idea, etc. , <br /> before participating in competitions . <br /> C . The final piece sent out was the enrollment figures for <br /> the current year and the projected numbers for next year. <br /> It appears that the high school should open on time . The <br /> projections for increased teachers would be for the Middle <br /> School, since that is where the space would be . <br /> 10 . Next Meeting. The next meeting will be on December 20, 1995 <br /> at 6: 30 p.m. <br /> The meeting adjourned at 8 : 45 p.m. <br /> 4 <br />