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`f <br /> Should Mashpee file with Natural Heritage for the other three sites as well? The New <br /> Seabury golf course is no longer in a Natural Heritage site. <br /> Jeff said it is a similar process-submittal fee and a few pages of forms. <br /> Nancy Farrell from Regina Villa was present to discuss the public relations work. <br /> She looked at the original scope of work, then developed a "shopping list" of items for <br /> the Commission to consider. This will help decided how to spend the $13,000 budget, or <br /> if desired, increase the budget. <br /> She presented a package of information to the members, including work samples and <br /> a spreadsheet showing cost per task. <br /> Regina Villa has worked in other communities on similar projects. They have found the <br /> fact sheet as most useful. That information, language can then be used on other items, <br /> like a websiteand display. <br /> They Displays can be placed in key municipal facilities and can be updated as the <br /> project progresses. <br /> The website can be part of the town website or free standing. This budget is for a <br /> standalone site, up to 10 pages, for 2 years, and RV would update it. RV is writing all the <br /> copy and it will be professionally designed. <br /> Tom asked what would go into the fact sheet? What would be included that is not <br /> already out there in the press? <br /> Nancy suggested a description of where the town is in the process; information on the <br /> cost; re-charge siting. <br /> How does it get distributed? It can be inserted into the newspaper (with permission of <br /> the paper), or it could be mailed to each household. <br /> Tom asked if the cost estimate included distribution? It does not, just production. <br /> The town of Dennis included it in their water bills. <br /> Regina Villa would work with S & W to prepare an outline for the fact sheet, a layout <br /> and prepare a draft copy for everyone's review. <br /> Tom asked about the status of the Cape Keepers group/information. Nancy Farrell said <br /> no one was designated to work on it and there is no funding. APCC has the <br /> information. The brochures were only printed as needed. <br /> Tom thinks that brochure is a good starting point. Nancy can get that information to re- <br /> print. <br /> Tom said, personally, he is not excited about a display board, especially for $5,000. <br /> He thinks it makes the most sense to use the town website but could really use help with <br /> the text and getting it onto the town website. <br /> RV would talk to the town IT staff to make it cost effective to use the town website. <br /> Tom would like input from S & W and Regina Vila on when they think the flyers should go <br /> out, what those strategic points are. <br />