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y9PP�� c?--17-Cq 3� <br /> Mashpee Sewer Commission <br /> Tuesday, January 20, 2009 <br /> Mashpee Town Hall, Selectmen's Meeting Room <br /> Members present: Matt Berrelli, Don Desmarais and Tom Fudala <br /> Also present: Brian Howes, Ed Eichner <br /> Stearns and Wheler update: <br /> Commissioner Fudala updated the other Commission members on the status of Steams and Wheler. <br /> Commissioner explained that the 4 scenarios and databases were submitted for SMaST review and that a <br /> completion date was not yet known as there were apparently still data base complications. Commissioner <br /> Fudala explained that Brian Howes and Ed Eichner would be elaborating on those complications. <br /> Subsurface Investigations at Transfer Station site: <br /> Commissioner Fudala explained that the investigations are currently on hold due to State Archaeologist <br /> study requirement and a letter received from National Heritage (NHESP). Commissioner Fudala explained <br /> that the State Archaeologist study must be completed prior to being able to do any test wells or test pits at <br /> the Transfer station site. Commissioner Fudala explained that the Natural Heritage letter lists the site as a <br /> species habitat for both the Eastern Box Turtle and Grasshopper Sparrow. Commissioner Fudala further <br /> explained that all of the sites were currently mapped that way by Natural Heritage. <br /> Update on other sites— <br /> Commissioner Fudala explained that the State Archaeologist letter received also is requiring intensive <br /> archaeological survey at Ashumet Road and Keeter (Red Brook Road) discharge sites. Commissioner Fudala <br /> stated that he did not understand what about the areas were archaeologically sensitive but that the studies <br /> would need to be done at a cost of$8,000 each before any test could be done. The other Commissioners <br /> asked what the $8,000 covered in terms of work. Commissioner Fudala explained that it would cover the <br /> work by P.A.L to test the ground and nothing else. The study would be to gain the permission to do the test <br /> holes. Commissioner Fudala also mentioned that applications were sent to Natural Heritage (NHESP) on <br /> these sites as well but that as of the meeting no response had yet been received from them. Commissioner <br /> Fudala stated that due to budgetary restraints that the project would be on hold. <br /> Green Seal Environmental (MBE/WBE) Subsurface Investigations Subcontract— <br /> Commissioner Fudala explained that due to needing to define the scope of work further the project was <br /> on hold. <br /> Regina Villa Subcontract- <br /> Commissioner Fudala explained to the other Commissioners that the project was still on hold due to the <br /> need to clarify the costs and timetable. <br /> Status of Lombardo &Associates <br /> Commissioner Fudala explained that the Nitrex scenario and databases were submitted for SMaST review <br /> and that everything is on hold due to the complications mentioned earlier as well as some funding issues. <br /> Commissioner Fudala explained to Commissioner Berrelli and Commissioner Desmarais that funding was <br /> going to be an issue as they were running into unexpected costs not factored into the original 1999 budget <br /> for the project. <br /> Discussion of funding situation— <br /> Commissioner Fudala explained that the original SRF loan monies were $5907.55 less than what was <br /> originally contracted to the subcontractors as there were borrowing fees taken out. So that money needed <br /> to get deducted from what the balance left. Commissioner Fudala also explained that the SRF loan was up <br /> for renewal again and that documents needed to be signed. Commissioner Fudala gave the other <br /> Commissioners a quick rundown of what was being requested in terms of payment or work still,to be done: <br />
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