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$9592 SMaST proposal, $8000 for one intensive archaeological study, $2000 owed to Lombardo for <br /> existing work, $10,000 Lombardo proposal for next phase of scenario work, and due to the SRF loan <br /> renewal lag that he was holding a bill from Stearns &Wheeler for $2120.65. Commissioner Fudala stated <br /> that he was worried obviously about funding as there is only $22,589.61 remaining in Sewer Commission <br /> Facilities Plan Account (non-SRF supplemental Town Meeting appropriation): Commissioner Fudala <br /> explained that they may need to seek supplemental funding from FinCom for unanticipated Archaeological <br /> work and look at scope changes to remaining portion of SRF-funded WNMP study. Matt questioned why the <br /> additional $9592.00 for the SMaST work was going to be needed, Commissioner Fudala explained that Ed <br /> and Brian would elaborate on it. <br /> SMast Presentation: <br /> Mr. Ed Eichner stood to explain the request for additional funding and supplemental agreement. Mr. <br /> Eichner explained that due to the need for a unified data base that the project is going to require more <br /> work thus more funding will be needed as well. Ed explained that while looking at scenarios they noticed <br /> internal inconsistencies and are not able to move forward without fixing these inconsistencies and totally <br /> unifying the database. Mr. Eichner explained that the biggest issue was that while all the other databases <br /> were updated the Sandwich side was left the same and that the new database of water sheds needs to be <br /> added. Matt questioned why the Town of Mashpee is the only town to run into this problem and what level <br /> of precision Mashpee is seeking that makes this reconfiguring necessary. Ed explained that he understands <br /> the frustration felt by the Commission but that the Mashpee project is different in it's scope and that <br /> scenarios can not be run with the way the databases interface now. Mr. Brian Howes stood to explain <br /> further, he stated that is was not something they could foresee in that it is like taking something apart and <br /> when you go to put it back together it does not fit anymore, you have to fix it so it works. Mr. Howes <br /> understood as well that it is frustrating to incur further costs but also countered with stating they had done <br /> a lot of work on their own dime and stuck to 1999 pricing as agreed. Brian explained that some money may <br /> be able to be saved by cutting down the number of scenarios run, doing them on an as needed basis. Mr. <br /> Howes also stated that while Mashpee has had some issues getting this up and running that when it is all <br /> done it will be a product that can be used in the future for years to come. Commissioner Fudala explained <br /> that SMaST proposed an additional Supplemental Agreement between Town and UMass and that it would <br /> be good to get a vote of some sort on it this evening. Commissioner Berrelli set forth a motion to look at <br /> funding the $9592.00 as proposed by SMaST as a not to exceed figure and to go back to Stearns & <br /> Wheeler to see if there was anywhere that the costs could be trimmed. Commissioner Desmarais stated <br /> that he would not second the motion until he could see what the figure would cover, Mr. Howes did state <br /> that they would pin a copy of the breakdown of the fee to the supplemental agreement. Commissioner <br /> Desmarais stated that is was inappropriate he felt to sign to spend $10,000 without seeing what they are <br /> getting. Commissioner Fudala explained that the contract had been written to be completed by 60 days <br /> after Town signatures, Mr. Howes explained that it would have to go by the UMass signatures as he was <br /> unable to assign people to the tasks without a valid contract. Commissioner Fudala asked why that was, <br /> and why it was allowed on the Waquoit portion of the project. Mr. Howes explained that this did not have <br /> any affect on this as most of the funding came from Falmouth. Commissioner Fudala asked if Mr. Howes <br /> knew why the Waquoit contract has not been returned yet and Mr. Howes explained that there was <br /> probably a back up in that office as they were out on two week furlough and the contracts were sent during <br /> the Holidays. The Commission thanked Mr. Howes and Mr. Eichner and Commissioner Fudala stated that he <br /> may call another meeting before next month's scheduled one to move forward on this supplemental <br /> agreement. <br /> Town Meeting Article— <br /> Commissioner Fudala explained that another article has been submitted to the Town to renew Sewer <br /> Commission Facilities Plan Account as the three year appropriation is expiring soon and needs renewing. <br /> Popponesset Bay Pilot Project update— <br /> Commissioner Fudala explained that he had received three copies of the final report. He stated that they <br /> were available in his office after the meeting. <br />