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�E Friday,S�,pti�mber 18,1982 Page Three$ <br /> The Enterprise Ask For classifieds <br /> CLAStIFIEDS V� <br /> t 50 Depot Avenue, 548-4700 - 759-5642 <br /> Falmouth, MA 02540 <br /> LEGAL NOTICE LEGAL NOTICE LEGAL NOTICE LEGAL NOTICE LEGAL NOTICE LEGAL NOTICE LEGAL NOTICE LEGAL NOTICE <br /> MORTGAGEE'S NOTICE C.E. who is transferring registration, a temporary sticker <br /> quire,Administrative Justice of our St TOWN OF MASHPEE wkk a nsot of woo The <br /> foreclo s re des and as plidea Greater <br /> In ammo with lbomas A. <br /> OFSALE parlor Court, at Barnstable, this four- with woo" '11•s foeacloaundW Wreaa1ia ossa will be issued for seven (7) days to allow Cir <e <br /> Nth the owners Died oeesrpanh of.the 6idier Wtswall W the owam sed oeapaeU <br /> OF REAL ESTATE ourbeenthL day of September r nine <br /> the year d - PUBLIC Peld ng the s■eeesahl shall be Change over. This will be Valid only in L'he stat is <br /> Pao bred and low in staid shown <br /> an development over Is maintain <br /> land Mownt t who <br /> plan and <br /> eyvirtueandinexecutionofthePower our Lord onethoussndninehundred 4f baldlaeeetewMMaoYarlAPlnakatl which they reside. A valid registration alo'nq with <br /> any priwde way st0wnyn wldpim or risemMa wifeothers be who to on , <br /> of Sale contained in a certain mortgage and ninety-two. p map de the public highway and the right MMasMresUed the"Emen„Agont"1 rights have been os may be glwru de use proof of residency is needed to obtain • pe.[mit. All <br /> given by Daniel J. Ferreira.Jr to Citi- Phyllis A Day g HEARING TM��I be��Bmm outstanding tickets must be aid prior to ins uane0 Of ■ <br /> corp Mortgage,Inc,dated June 14.1989. Cleo ofCourta p common with Cold owem sed oven• W Way shown a with <br /> plan,and also the 9 a <br /> U the wmMNl bidder at W Coll UM <br /> recorded with Barnstable County Regis- September]8,1982 pante de make lbs customary use of Ilse tall in l'omMo cru old Wother W temporary on out of stats plates. <br /> p lu the eaonie Mori ts releud de theOft <br /> try District of the Land Court as Docu- NOTICE bath and of Jenkins Pond, Iecldiog holder oOlhe Igartgnge Mennen all he ownenand lan sa In of other land (e) A resident, who has no car, renting one, proof be <br /> boating and bathing and nshfng. sAoweonCold plan•d Meomma with residency along with a rental agreement most be <br /> ment No.485621 on Certificate of Title ObltgaUonsafthe lraerow Asset Mall be Y <br /> No.117751,ofwhich mortgage the under- In accordance with the provisions of the ont ect de restrictions in for of record insofar le disebarpd. aim de etom stellar one haw been submitted. A Townwide permit will be issued POC the <br /> signed is the present holder.for breach TOWN OF MASHPEE Town or Mashpee Commotion Bylaw, as the waseare deforceded with id Other larns to be 4n nmd at the sale. g may ewe' s wine <br /> which <br /> the length of the rental agreement. <br /> and de eawment recorded with Cold naprgsoad able and wires which arc <br /> Chapter 173.Rules sod Regulations con- pate:August 3l.ISM <br /> of conditions f said Mortgage and for parch Book 1136 Page 54111, ass fulalid,lading b Lha promises <br /> the purpose of foreclosing the same will ,a._w PUBLIC caning Wetlands, and Chapter 131.x40 Pedant Nadoonl <br /> sys For my title are deed of Andrew YilnM heMnbehn conveyed,but sue►right de <br /> be sold at Public Auction at 1100 A.M. d hearing <br /> Cedant Lawn • publicme MenWeAmodmeon <br /> on October 13, 1992, on the mortgaged and MoneIM. erns ed with lB Qioble, upon a esti the Came on the <br /> econdition SECTION 8 <br /> hearing will be al the Mashpee Town Preasal held0rafallo k101tpea <br /> premises as below' described, being HEARING Co ty rotry of with Boraalable upon W ts ghee upon iha condition <br /> Hall in the Conservation Commission by fh attameys, <br /> known as Lot 112. Wyndlea Circle,East Hearing Room on September 34,1882 al aroma laky of Dells, Book 3876, MYsksUA PldakN4 that any Owren ia sentiments <br /> s,by mom Any abuse in the use of visitor permit(s) v111 resin! <br /> Falmouth. Barnstable County, Massa- NOTICE 7:10 p.m.on the application ofMaryGrace electric or deleptoon Conice,by Maw it's revocation in the following circumstances: <br /> SY:Lauri L IheoroeldKNI ,4q• <br /> SAID PREYIBR I5 NOW AKESHOWN As re"f esbM MPIRM mht o the note chusells. all and singular the premises Bowmen fora Determination of Applies. 1MustatlAAuatell (•) Used on any vehicle owned or controlled by 1 <br /> described m said mortgage. In accordance with the provisions of the bility on a ragout to maintain marsh AND NUMBERED lig WEBeHORs ,=Wubwsim w"d midb t on npl■ament of the war resident. <br /> DRIVE,FALMOUTH,KA theft" here d,a, ,,me pan of <br /> To wit: Town of Maahpce Conservation Bylaw, tress by trimming yearly at 357 Monomes- SatsM74 MO the agpa„wa of Wet 1 (b) Used on an employee's car. <br /> The land together with the buildings Chapter 172,Rules and Regulations can. coy Read.Assessor's Yep 12D.Black 1&In <br /> TURKS mi BALE: rape n u roplaea- <br /> thereon situated in that part of Fal- cerning Wetlands.and Chapter 131,9.40 accordance with plans on file with the Said premises tall bs and <br /> wbjeddeasy lsylamber4,It.1&less iMM7MdIM re0alt. - (ol is Depar use by a vivito[ without prior approval <br /> mouth known as East Barn- Massachusetts General Laws a public Mashpee Conversation Commission. tax all unpaid es a and aveaimeatn Coune l lost <br /> arMWl h the above de of this Department. <br /> tax sale,lax ere,and other munkigl hdbin And a tight owr Lot 0 es set <br /> stable County, Massachusetts described hearing will be held at the Mashpee Town Harry De,rosienrony t10NTGA0BE'8NOT7CE Mo <br /> as follows: Hall in the Conservation Commission Chairman deposit <br /> water Hem THOUSAND <br /> DO am. OF&ALIC MIA InsO@*glirAbeak 07. SECTION 9 <br /> depuit of FIVE TT heck o bank cheek <br /> 19riTWwe.fmsrstabb.CarUlkate of <br /> LOT -F d edshovin <br /> April <br /> it subdivision plan Hearing Room on September u, nit at September IS,1992 in tall,certified check or bent cheek �uN'm'4� Thee Bove pear <br /> 15641-F,dated April 29. 1986,drawn by 830 p.m.on the application of Daniel J. By vMon ed in aecueos of the Power The above promitlu wW he mld subject A street or neighborhood may be designated a resident <br /> Arrow Engineering, Inc.. entitled Hourihan to maintain an existing patio. will be required de be pall by Ilse Pum of Mk Contained In a chain mee1DW parking permit area by the Falmouth Board Of Solectoof <br /> chafer at the time and place araale.eW b all aWalading lm Utles,municipal or <br /> WYNDLEA beingasubdivisionofLol pier, ramp and nowt fifty (501 feel in TOWN OFMASHPEE the balance of Use purchase prim✓Be! giwnbyPadRWboaldand[athliaaY. GumPubltshxes.amewMw,harder• under the Authority of Chapter 160 Acta o[ 1991 <br /> 111.LCC 15641D. Brick Edo Road.Barn- length at 32 Little Neck Lane.Assessor's Welutl de ckleerp Mortgage,tat.dated <br /> paid whin TWENTY rm)nays mernag mmth a1leaMoFss� Provided: <br /> stable County Registry District, Fal- HIaD 1OS10.In accordance with plana on July T, lege, recorded Ni BareWWO <br /> mouth.MA.Scale V—50,which is filed file with the Mashpee Conservation Com- 4rysom�w PUBLIC ter' - Comely Registry of Deed%District of he Tyr Thousand 01OAKOOI Dollar will <br /> in the Land Registration Office at Bos- mission. - d Other term M be aonountedatthe tela. . Land Ceara M Document Me.4WWan (•) A petition signed by more than fifty (501 percent <br /> DATED:sEPricknaim I.I= be roqulrcd to be paid la club or by of the resident-taxpayers of the location be presentee <br /> ton,a copy of which is filed in Bamsm- Harry Desrosters HEARING FEDERALHOMEIAAN emnra d by motl(ye Mlm Peek Ray. Bark Cashiers Cheek be Bank TYeawr- <br /> ble County Registry of Deeds in Land Chairman MORTGAGE CORPORATION borld W Nathlaon Y. WOtsstU m to ora Check Certified Check by the Pur- to the office of the Selectmen requesting aueA action. <br /> Registration Plan Rook 424 page 75 with September 18,1992 NOTICE PRESENT HOLDEkt Corp Yortgap,Inc. doled Jolly 7, ISM eWar at he OM all plass of same an !b) The"various Departments of the Town involved it <br /> Certificate ofTitle No.108.917 OFSAIDYORTlaAGN ram d with B■romlahle County Rach• "Mod alley.The palmae of the par, Planning, safety-engineering and enforcement <br /> For title see deed recorded herewith. BY:RICHARD FORMANI' try of Deeds•District of Use Lame Conn does,Price is U be paid in all or by investigate the legal and safety aspects of the <br /> The above premises will be sold subject In accordance with the provisions of the ATTORNEY p011 beDwa tma 4MML w 0011041 on Cel' Suit Cashiers Check or Beek Trawl' loceitien"and recommend establishment of the plan to the <br /> to all outstanding tax titles,municipal or TOWN OF MASHPEE Town of Mashpee Conservatioe Bylaw, pEpg}.AL HOME Loan) Ufleele of Tide Ne IDAK of which an check re Cenllfed g0ek spore deNv- Board of selectness. <br /> other public taxes,assessments,better- Chapter 172,Rules and Regulations cam MORTGAGBCORMRA?ION -~Use- n*nd Is it*present m'close dead within twenty(MIS days of <br /> ments.or liens,if any. O,sroes PUBLIC earning Wetlands,and Chapter 131,2.40 bolder.M baeaeh of condkiom of said the dale of sale.other!arms will be an. <br /> o- Srgdember411,1&ICM <br /> TERMS OF SALE 741/�'� � Massachusetts General Laws. • Public Mortgage W M Use purpose of Mt donned attheCok. <br /> Ten Thousand ($10.000.00; Dollars will ' 7 hearingwill be held mitten IIaahpa Town cluing the war will be sold at Public Citicorp Mortgage.tin. SECTION 10 <br /> HEARING PRESENT HOLDER DF <br /> be required to be paid in cash or by Hall in the Conservation Commission NOTICE OFBAIE Auction at10d0 A.M.onOeleMr7,lee& <br /> Bank Cashiers Check or Bank Tresses, Hearing Room on September M,1M2 at IWrlpgsaY gats on ill mortgaged pmmUm a below do- SAID MORTGAGE Resident Parking Stickers will be issued by the <br /> en Check or Certified Check by the Pur- ver NOTICE 8:10 p.m on the application of William e9&AIAZlate serlYed,being ka a511 Siders taxa, ByltsAtkmey Falmouth Police Department, Bureau of Records for o <br /> chaser at the time and place of sale as Coming for an After-The-Fact permitting By virtue and in Creation of the Power F+Voatp, LmMMM Carty. Mluaa• Donald H.Carvin period of one (1) calendar year at ■ Cort of <br /> earnest money.The balance of the put- In accordance with the provisions of the ofremoval ofburricane debris at Simon's of Sale contained In•certain Mores cbusarts,all and stapler the premium Dated;gepiembersth,IM $10.00.(Ne attached application) <br /> chase price is to be paid in cash or by Town of Mashpee Conservation Bylaw, Narmems,end of the extension,Assessor's given by David Onb■ And Saw■-F a..eribdiawidmrrtnge. From Use emeeor. <br /> Bank Cashiers Check or Bank Treasur- Chapter 172,Rules and Regulations con. Map accordance*fill plana on Denis to Sakm"Fiva ttoll6ap$y'' '�' To Wit: DmmldH.Canin6squim <br /> ers Check or Certified Check upon deov- coming Wetlands,and Chapter 131,a40 file with the Mashpee Con m&Um Com- ration dated August 2==■Is• r'wd' The had togatMr with the baildhR 46 Ada.Stroh <br /> ery of the deed within twenty(20)days of Massachusetts General Laws, a public mission. ceded at Barnstable County Red"of _thereon situated in the Comer of Baro• - P•p BMOM SECTION 11 <br /> the date of so]e.Other terms will be an- hearing will be held at the Mashpee Town Harry Dominion Deeds in Book 'JM& Pap 273 sad as stable and Com awalth of Masaecbu• Bmhtron,MAGIM <br /> nounced at the sale. Hall in the Conservation Commission Chairman signed U Salem Ft"Cents Savings Bank seBe.dee¢nhadufaUle : 017)80.4140 During the test period of the Woods Hole Permit Parking <br /> Citicorp Mortgage,Inc. Hearing Room on September 24, 19ed at September 18,1992 by Assignment dated August l&left 04 Let 10 as shown an subdivision plan programr, the. attached map will indicate the areas if <br /> PRESENTHOLDER 9:20 p.m. on the application of Willow- recorded with said Dela in Bork 61011, jai". September 11,18,26,IgM which resident parking policy is allowed. <br /> OF SAID MORTGAGE bend Development Corp.for an Amended pap ghl and further assigned U Federal There is associated to maid lard.the <br /> By its Attorney Order of Conditions for BE 43-M to ap- MORTGAGEE'S SALE National Mortgage Association by A,*; <br /> Donald H.Carvin OF REAL ESTATE TOWN OF FALMOUTH <br /> prove revised/improved drainage design alpment doled 11aY 2& 11M cadV�F� <br /> Dated:September 14th,1992 for the pedestrian culvert area, in re- By virtue and In Creation of the Power orded with Mid Registry Of paella 1� - ERFORCEMLIT <br /> From the office of: sponse to a previously approved Certifi- of Sale Contained in a certain mortgage Bark 04&page 300 of which tae • Any v hic q, not displaying a Falmouth resident parkir5 <br /> Donald H.Carvin,Esquire cate or Compliance issued on August 13, given by Richard D. Burns and Lida the undersigned is Use presenthoPNg4. sticker will be issued a parking violation for parkin, <br /> 44 Adams Street 1998 In accordance with plana on me Burns de Metropolitan Mortgage Corp. -forbmcbofthecmdiooluafUid mob #11) <br /> P.O.Box 9074 with the Mashpee Conversation Commis- dated October 1.1M7 and recorded with gets and for the purpose of ksr i"W'' in a prohibited area (Violation Including <br /> and treated as an! <br /> the Barnstable Canty Registry of Deeds- >•aR prohibited area infraction iaeluding towing of-said <br /> Braintree.MA 02189 sion. - the Mme will M sold pt Psber.Ave" <br /> (a171848-4140 Harry Dearoslen In mak 3eM,Pap 4,of which mortgage or to.901h 41st of September. 1MR N vehicle. <br /> Chairman the undersigned is the present holder. . IDD P.Y. on the mortgaged prom" <br /> September 18,25.1992 September 18,1962 for breach ofthe editions*told mon- haystmalter described a Silicon lONILC 2NF1'LW TSN sarMY 23, 1992 <br /> October2,1992 gage and for he purpose of foreclosing. '-rhe dwelling unit designated Unit Nol Raymond R. Labossiere <br /> the mar will be sold at Public Auction Ly of the John parker Layalde Village Virginia Vallejo <br /> TOWN OF MASHPEE at 12-.OD O'Clock P.M.on Saturday.Otto- Condominium,a tordod"um situated RULES AND RECtILhSI011F Nathan S. Ellis <br /> COMMONWEALTH OF her id.1M2 on the Ptsmim+a below de, n soParker Read yatmmr,h Pere y RESIDEIIT AREPERMIT <br /> INO PROOAAM Edward Narks, Jr. <br /> MASSACHUSETTS vewo- PUBLIC d Barnstable seribed being known u 450 glaealul mable Comy; b� BOARD OF SELECTMEN <br /> xCM John S. Elliott <br /> BARNSTABLE,SS. d - shores Dalevod,Ernst FWMQdh,Moa- <br /> SUPERIORCOURT movements OnX Falmouth Aaoeor's East Fatm t)i.'`Maoaaeadeees, OodMmovementsM <br /> No-92-797 HEARING Map 4144M and being described as fol- maid Condominium having base CFO&" SECTION 1 <br /> To RICHARD P.CALLAHAN and CYN- lowntowit: by a Master Deed dated Joan 17. 19M. <br /> THIA H. CALLAHAN both of Palm NOTICE The land, together with the buildings and recordag an Jona Id. ISM with (a) A Resident Parking sticker of a design specified by September 18, 1992 <br /> aimprovements thereon, located in County Registry of Deeds,r0 <br /> Beach,State of Florida,and to all other LM Board of SeLaCtNO Y111 M ls•Yod t0 an ownes/YNr <br /> persons who may be entitled to the bene- Falmouth (Ent), Barnstable County, Book 3111.Pap 257,in accordance with of s vehicle under the Authority e! Cha ter 160 Acts e! <br /> Pe In accordance with the provisions of the g p - TOWN OF MASHPEE <br /> Yaretain por,described i Fal m: and subject rthe <br /> etre al La alu of a apterCow P1pat' <br /> fit of the Soldiers'and Sailors'Civil Re- Town of Mashpce Copvervation Bylaw, 3993 WAieA NOts the following qus11lieatleOs. This O ' <br /> IiefAct of 1940 as amended. A cerlaln panel of lad in Falmouth. IMA of ie Genml Lan M the Cow <br /> Chapter 171ands, and Chapter <br /> coma Barnstable County,Maamchuuttk being will allot a wblele N marked to park in any area of <br /> NATIONAL CREDIT UNION ADMINIS- <br /> Agent Conveyed <br /> together with <br /> C the <br /> Bald owing „ e Annual Town Meeting <br /> cerning Wetlands,and Chapder 131,840 shown n Lal aril the "Yacht Club Convyea tOgellrar wHd tha hllowing the Tom of FalNntp potted peeking by Permit Only <br /> of BARN BOARD C Liquidating Agent Massachusetts General Lassa, a public <br /> of BARNSTABLE COMMUNITY FED- Section" On a plan entitled "Seacoast percentage of undivided interest la the All � other parking reaulatiees in the TOM Nat be <br /> hearing will be held then Comm Trion Shores,Yacht Club Section"dated April common areas and facilities(hereinafter Obeyed. <br /> ERAL CREDIT UNION of Braintree, Hall in the Conservation Commission e <br /> Norfolk County,Massachusetts.claiming 16,1M7,by Frederick C.NMgmurveyor, referred delu-the CoMaelaMnb"i (D) The vehicle is registered in the Commonwealth of <br /> > Rearing Room he application <br /> 24 1Ma at Barnstable. u: Greetings <br /> recorded with Barnstable Registry of met forth uPollowa: <br /> to be the holder of a mortgage covering g:rp per, on the aDPlication of Maria Massachusetts Undee meNrel Laws, tbeptK 90, Section 2 <br /> real property situated in Mash a in Deeds.Plan Book 7&Pap 11,to~ Dint percentage - <br /> P Pe Rrizik for After-The-Fact permitting of with a registered gloss weight O! under 2 1/2 lens, To the Coratab7u at Ute Town. <br /> said County of Barnstable given by Rich- with the beach,shore and fiats and de• ofANeml <br /> Umber retaining wall, hal shed, plant- principally in CM 2bwe of hlNutb and oweod <br /> and P.Callahan and Cynthia H.Callahan ings,and a request for maintenance,at 17 rent d mid Lot 32 boded and da lg "'�(, p P Y <br /> to Barnstable Community Federal Cedar Street,Assessor's Mep 77,Block 37. surhedufollows: The said John Parker Lakeside Vtllngo Or Wed DY • Person residingin the Tern of PalmeutA. h-rho sofas of. i¢e Commonwealth of Massachusetts, you aro hereby <br /> Credit Union, dated May 15, 1987, and NORTHERLY by Lot 31 ss shown on an Condominium U comprised of tie lazed (o) The resident at C er is to be placed on the rear aimc"l de notify-and summon the inhabitants of the Town of Mumbles, <br /> In accordance with plans on Ole with the hereinabove mentioned plan.a distance who m gkWified to vote in the elections to meet at the stable, Middk. <br /> recorded with Barnstable County Deeds, Mashpee Comervation Commission of one hundred rens(150)feel,morem with the buildings. improv is adl window, drivor'■ side, lower left Corner, On station <br /> structures thereon Mown on plans rem- wagons and convertibles, the resident sticker should be wool on Monday, the SW day of October, 1992 at 7:30 p.m. for the' <br /> Rook 5726,co Page 164,has filed with said H Dammam 9 tollowq _parpoaas: <br /> Harry Lem: oiled In Pim Book 344 Pages 33-37. ,+ i <br /> Court a complaint for authority to fore- Chairman plated on the glass on the telt aide of the vehicle, es <br /> close said mortgage in the following EASTERLY by an imaginary the sterly These units an Intended U be used for i <br /> September 18,1982 walinganf the bond aSine between residential u on tat back towards LAo rear as possible. To mei on the article contained in the fallowing Warrant: <br /> wit: by entry and possession purposes b.and aro hr <br /> and by the exercise of a power of sale direction of the boundary line between tber subject to the provisions of mid <br /> contained in said mortgage. said Lot 32 and Lot 31 shown on Mid plan Chapter I83A es It may be amended frim <br /> If you are entitled to the benefits of the from the Southeast Corner of mid Lot 32 SUCTION 2 <br /> TOWN OF MASHPEE time de time;Use tvstrielfolu■red ease• Article 1: <br /> Soldiers and Sailors'Civil Relief Act of to low water mark of Eel Pond.distance ments so farth.or Inferred to In the Cold <br /> 1940 and amendments thereto and you t+s'avm PUBLIC unknown; meaner Deed:the provisions of the mid Acceptable proof for residency In eeetien 1 will be the To tee if thq Town will vole to raise and appropriate or transfer from <br /> object to the foreclosure of said mort- tr SOUTHERLY by low water mark of Eel Master Deed,and the provisions of Use <br /> aT Pond,distance unknown: following: Account. <br /> available Pods r sum of money el the Building Inspectors Saiuy/W+ge <br /> gage,you or your attorney should Ole an HEARING WESTERLY by an imaginary line rare- John Parker lakeside Village Bo Condo- Accent. or oke ray other action relating thereto. <br /> answer in said Court at Barnstable on or rapm- Test recorded s Book 3111• (a) A currant registration certificate issued. by the <br /> before October 23, 1992,or you may be mnling an extension in a Southwesterly pap 270,which provisions(u Use Coll submitted by Building Inspector <br /> forever barred from claiming that such NOTICE direction of the boundary line between may be duly amended from time k lime). Registry OL - . Mite[ VM1e1es, ComMnwealib of <br /> foreclosure made under such authority ' Mid Lot 32 and Lot 33 shown on Mid plan shall Constitute Comments mining with NasaCbuaetts stating the retgYlred inf*rNtiOn in <br /> is mrsaidder Act. In accordance with the provisions of the from the Southwest corner of mid Lot 32 the land and binding upon person having Section 1. Ernlanarion: This article seeks Town Mating approval to transfer from <br /> ' to law water mark of Eel Pond,distance at any time any interest er crista in the <br /> Your attention is directed to the Acts of Town of Mashpee Conservation Bylaw, (b) A•. tRcIng T above along Mltb o current paid mailable funds in the amount of approximately $2 during <br /> a fund M <br /> unknown. guest the member of his housaough Inspectors <br /> Building Inspector to cover the perste durh the Building <br /> 1982,Chapter 127,Section 1,which pro- Chapter 172,Rules and Regulations con- h1meYtA E%CIN Tei gill. Pec B g <br /> For lice mat dad ham Barbas C.e. such and ons we lu fully as though Ipspvetssd+. absence due to vacation, illness m personal leave. <br /> vides in erect that no person who is not cerning Wetlands, and Chapter 131, s.40 p _ . <br /> a record owner of the equity of redemp- Massachusetts General laws, a public Johnson m Bat Deed.Page Ma,Barash- herb n,including <br /> were anUrcb sol forth - <br /> tion in the mortgaged property and who hearing will be held al the Mashpee Town hie Registry r Deeds and Pec ales U0 heroin,including any tad.all rues and <br /> Estate of Everett D. Boma. Barnstable lations do sBLTI011 1 <br /> is not entitled to the benefit of the Sol- Hall in the Conservation Commission and pted estate xenuani there to <br /> diens'and Sailors'Civil Relief Act,shall Hearing Room on September 24, lug at Probadeeprem2. and much red hepereesaeof.0 attributable to Article 2: <br /> The above premises will ha Mid x subject the Unit and the ant ooCommon A Xeroxuof •' registration s Will be steepled following <br /> be entitled to appear or he heard to such 8:40 p.m. on the application of Alice IK tap - <br /> proceeding.except on behalf of a person McGuire to repairfreeonstmet three ex- as above and to all outstanding lax titin. Elements appurtenant thereto for ill LM gY1M31nN listed SD Section 2 and providing its To as if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate or transfer tram <br /> so entitled,or unless an affidavit by the rating unlicensed dooW at 410 A 414 municipal or other public taxa,+seem- current year a arc not due and payable Validity Can be verified through the Registry at motor available funds a sum of money to the Department of Public Works <br /> claimant ora unlescertis <br /> by counsel theap, MonomoscoyRud,Assessor's Yaps 122k mends or liens,if any,as well a a nnl on the date ofdekvery hereof Expense, Amount. m take any other action relating thereto. <br /> mortgage to the Cooperative Bank of Subject U all earments and restrictions ,V�pieles. <br /> pearing for him,stating that he is in the 124, Plots 44 A 45. In accordance with Cormm Concord which has been assigned <br /> service and thus..filled to the benefits plans on file with the Mashpee Conserve- of record insofar m aay.aro in hill force _ Submitted by Public Works Director <br /> of said Act,is riled with the appearanc- tion Commission. Idem of ale: Corp. end our tiTerms of Sale:Twenty Thousand Dollars Fu our title see deed of Donald R.&a- sECT2l7N 4 <br /> as.Such proceedings shall be limited to Harry Demarcation OLDA0000)will be required U be paid in Bxdtaeentobu This uncle will replace funds in the Public Works <br /> the issues of the existence of such per- Chairman cry and recorded <br /> he ew Bary of eve%data Department budget. whips were required tel address emergency dnipge <br /> cash or certified sheer na the purchaser and roteded hereioith." VI8lTORS PERMITS - To Ds'DSVELOPkD problems wbfes paired during recant smarms. <br /> sons and witness, ROBERT <br /> rights,L.f any. September 18.1992 at the time and place ofssle,the balance - <br /> Witness. ROBERT L. STEADMAN, Es- Joh property has an address of Unit o6 <br /> M be paid within thirty(30)Jaya of the John Parker Lakeside Village Collo- SECTION 5, <br /> dale of able. Other term to be an- minium.East Falmouth,MAI5 . <br /> pounced at the cele. TermwfSale: Article" ` <br /> TOWN OF MASHPEE Said premises will be Mid subject a Parking stickers will automatically be revoked it • car tV, <br /> Dated:August 31.1992 <br /> a <br /> METROPOLITAN MORTGAGE CORP., above and subjM k and with the bean sease0toqualify under section 1, it •!fixed to a cat To Town will vote to amend the Zoning Bylaw by adding the <br /> PUBLIC BY:Teresa Y.McCormick Esq. nt of all restrictions.easements.matters ether than the one so designated at tar time of tolloyleg Laaw Subsections 174-25.A. (13) and (14) to the Table of Use <br /> 7oMe and Riley and eneumbroness of record prior to application, or it the registration number on the Re -mrd m indicate that such uses arc allowed as PRfSP in the Cl• <br /> 1MCmwellRod.Box7O7 said Mortgage and to dry and all unpaid resident ■ticker is different than the ono on the CI V, and C2 districts: <br /> NOTICE Chatham.MAOM3 taxes and assessments,tax U• vehicle. Anyvehicle bearing a revoked parking stickerAttorney for Mortgagee Ues,and other municipal Items and ea• (13) B>gl red Breakfast Home with up to three guest rooms in addition M SepdemheN,11.18,1902 and perked on a street posted under the Authority of <br /> ter lien,and to the right America.redemption the.owIPIFs residence. May be combined with othu uses allowd la ik <br /> Chapter 160 Rets of 1992 rill be subject to the sue q <br /> The Town of Mashpee does not discriminate on the basis _ _ th the united stats Ior VETH if■D penalty as a vehicle perked on ■ street posted under dnmgf': <br /> of disability in the admissions to,access to,or operations MOFR ALEST SALE there arc, and FIVE THOUSAND tar came act- without ■ parking sticker or ■ visitor O >' p g <br /> OF REAL F6rATB (pA00.01DOLWRS mbankoncetlified 4)'t.led and Breakfast Establishment with a to nine oast soma in <br /> of its programs, services or activities. The Town of Mash- By virtue and in execution of Lbe Power check will be required to be paid by O0 permit. addition to the owners residence. May be combined with other uses <br /> pee does not discriminate on the basis of disability in its of Sale contained in a certain morlgage purchaser at the time and piece or sale situated in the district." <br /> hiring or employment practices. given by Brian J. Welch M UW North. as a deposit and the balance will be due <br /> This notice is provided as required by Title II ofthe Amer- Eastern Mortgage Company,Inc.,dated in a bank orcertined check in thirty(30) SECTION 6 and"by andiog the following definitions to Subsection, ria-3.A.: <br /> January 12, 190 and recorded with days.ICanS with Disabilities ACL Of 1990. The Mortgagee reserve,the right m post. 'BBi7 ,BR 'AKpg est ESTABLISHMENT-A private,owner-occupied ban <br /> Barn9table Carly Registry of Deeds. All perking atiCM[s will aYtONtiCal ly expire on with>fmw'fii^'timrc dear rooms that includes a breakfast in the room tate <br /> Questions,concerns,complaints or requests for additional Bak 6593. Page of of which mortgage pone the sate to a later dale by public December 31, of each year. Any vehicle bearinq an and conforms with any requirements of the Massachusetts Department of <br /> information regarding the ADA may be forwarded to the undersigned is the present holder protlamaeon at the time and date ap <br /> Mashpee'sdesignated ADA Compliance Coordinator: ter breach ofthe condguonsorsaidmort. pointed for the sets and tofurther post. expired Parking Sticker and parked on a street posted Public Health and the Mnhpcc Burd of Health." <br /> gage and for the purpose of tbreclming pone at any adjourned mile date by pub. Under the Authority of Chapter 160 Acts of 1992 will be <br /> Dr.Lincoln A.DeMOUre 'BFA AND BItFAKFAST HOME - A private, owner-occupied have with three <br /> the tame will he sold at day of Auction Ile proclamation hom time l date. tap subject o the NN penalty es a vehicle perked k a <br /> 16 GreSuperat <br /> oad North <br /> s at A.D. IOM o on the 241 aged October premium, <br /> In pointed Mltetdhe r nful bid street poebd under the eeM set without • parking or farm with rooms that includes a breakfast in u the mom rata and <br /> 16 Greet Neck Road North A.D. 102, on the mortgaged premiwa In the ercelthat lbe suueuful bidder at sticker. conforms with my requirements of the Massachusetts Department of <br /> Mashpee,MA 02649 hereinafter described all and singular the foreclwun able shall default to pus Public Health and the Mashpee Board of Health.", <br /> 1508)539.1500 the premises, described in amid mod. chasing the within described property <br /> or take key other action thereon. <br /> gage,fl WIT: acceding de the derma of this Notice of SECTION 7 <br /> IDdIVIduaIS Who need auxiliary olds for effective Commute- An oflhat cerbin tett ofland.together sale unifier the ter.d the NarNarbonnearoSubmitted by Town Planner <br /> nications in programs and services of the Town of Mash- with the buildings thereon,situated in dum of Sale executed at the time of Pott - <br /> pee are invited to make their needs and preferences Falmouth. Barnstable County. Masa. clause.the Mortgagee reserves the right Temporary Perking Permits Say be ieswd- to residents <br /> chusetts,known as LATS 31 and 32,ate- de sell the property by fo imum deed ;;dor the following elreumstatl : t provided all Eyplanattont W Thir article would allow Bed and.Breakfast op"A"On' with <br /> known to the ADA Compliance Coordinator' lion J as shown on a map entitled to the second highest bidder providing outstandingtickets hove been id. In the case of a u to nine <br /> Nancy J.CaflyR s guest rooms in commercial zoning districts. All such <br /> wits <br /> "Subdivision on i Section m uth.Cape thdsaidhe,odhighe,l bidder shall vestal Ca[, the resident is responsible only for LM establishments must comply with the regulations of the Maasvehurotts <br /> James Vaccaro us- <br /> Cod. an Jenkins lake.Falmouth.Cape Wail with Yartgspea amount <br /> ofa, a tie tickets leaned under the, Currant rental agreement. Department of Public Health and the Mealtime Board of Health. <br /> Judy M.Mills Development". <br /> Masan o Raymond H. atom. quit A Plunkelat. the amount of lAc m <br /> CarolH.Jaeobson Development".reeoded with the Barn- quireddepmilMaarforth hereinwithin (s) A resident with a resident sticker show wblele <br /> Article 4: <br /> stable County Reaialry or Deeds,on the three(3)business days after wrilden res was stolen or is being repaired, and has • rental car, - <br /> George R.Costa ninth day of September, 011& in Plan lice often default ofthe previous highest will be issued • ToWnwide temporary sticker at no To mas if the Town will vote to appropriate a sum of money for ImPain to <br /> Mashpee Board of Selectmen Book 74.Page 151 Said plan is to mccor. bidder and title shall be conveyed U Use charge for the length of the rental agreement• Dmm's tam and that to raise such appropriation the Trcuum. with the <br /> September 118,1992 dance with a survey made by F.C.Haman. mid second highest bidder within fif- (b) A resident with ■ vehicle not properly registered approval of the Board of Selectmen, be authorized to bmrow at one Ume Or <br />