<br /> Page Four B iggill "- Friday,September 18, 1992 0140
<br /> The Ente ■-se Ask For Classifieds
<br /> 50 Depot Avo- '- CLASSIFIEDS VISA 548-4700 - 759-5642
<br /> Falmouth,h MA4:h'
<br /> �
<br /> from tlme to time a sum of money under and Pursuant to,It 44, thereon. assuming the position. Once a person is so sworn it shall not be necessary
<br /> .Y Article 29:
<br /> Section 7 of Massachusetts General Laws, or any other enabftns'authority, in any subsequent year where the same person is reappointed to the same
<br /> and to issue bonds or notes of the Town therefore,; and further; that the Submitted by Town Planner AM position to again be sworn", or take any action [hereon.
<br /> Board of Selectmen assess betterments to the owners of she'land'abutting Conservation Commission To see if the Town will vote to authorize the Bond of Selectmen to accept
<br /> the way, with said betterments to be assessed in accordanC6'with"Chapter Submitted by Town Clerk $80,000 in exchange for all of the Town of Mashpee's right, title and
<br /> 80 of the General Laws and any other applicable statute. Explanation: Since the Original state-assisted purchase of the Johns Pont interest in a parcel of land shown as parcel 1 on the 1993 Mashpee
<br /> .'ia.
<br /> Pett Conservation Area, a number of parcels of land which adjacent to Assessors Map 17, said parcel also known as the Beechwood Point
<br /> Submitted by Hokrd 6P`3•kalectmen or surrounded by, the park have become Town-owned throughgh nanod
<br /> tax takings E<)u a tion: This e will simplify the appointment process for dCondrunnomm, said matter being further known as Land Court Docket
<br /> l
<br /> • None are developable due to lack of adequate road access but all are very departments by eliminating duplication of effort for reappointments. Number 167-970 Misc., and further to authorize the Board of Selectmen to
<br /> execute any and all documents necessary to effectuate the seNemenl, m
<br /> logical additions ac the conservation tau for management purposes. Thi; take any other action relating thereto.
<br /> EaTla.Oa1l11B: This nude will authorize the Town lo'opgdade and pave article would lace the three '
<br /> Donut t Lane, with All costs to be aid by the owners of land abanin the p parcels in question under Conservation of the
<br /> road. p _„i 8 Commission management ti that they can become an integral part of flit Submitted by Board of Selectmen
<br /> ' Johns Pond Park Conservation Area. Article 22:
<br /> i- % Ilj `•��` •t EExpjanation. This article will authorize the Selectmen ro enter into a
<br /> v�J ••r-- t^ f I p �, oy To see if the Town will vote to accept the provisions of Chapter 653,�/ '�•.-. `���,1 �t ,!r �I( /r`f�, .
<br /> settlement of a longstanding
<br /> ing FrenY rights issue involving property of
<br /> Atdgtle 5! Section 41 of the Acs of 1989 which amends M.G.L. Chapter 59 by adding Beechwood Condominiums.
<br /> Section 57C allowing the Town to adopt a quarterly property fix payment
<br /> To se if the Town will vote to transfer from the DPW 11apso Account to � a, % 2 4 syste Q to be effective in Fiscal 1994, u Like any Other Action relating
<br /> the DPW Capital Amount a sum of money to pay the first year of a three- e✓ �(`�ec' there•
<br /> yecr leate/perchase on a backhoe/front end loon d,P lgjAmo)• other ��--' //� s ' z s,s Submitted by Treasiner/fax Collector
<br /> action relating thereto. r� +, rj� ,� Article 30:
<br /> V M ODr
<br /> �ONp
<br /> Submitted by Finance Committee v 0 _ •81 Explanation. This article will allow the Town to adopt a quarterly real To see if the Town will vote to amend the Zoning Bylaw as follows:
<br /> "I ]/ / pi� estate and personal property tax billing system which will improve the
<br /> Explanation: This elide will change the accauggfrom which funds area A +' / LI•( cash flow for the communis
<br /> j d•.:' i / .c )) y To Section'174-4 add the following new district designation: "Popponesst
<br /> taken in order to make payments on equipment currently leased by the t n� e'e•'
<br /> Town. By using the DPW Capital Amount, the Town will be better able to ,' � �.}_I / •-:�•; 'Ani<I< 23: Overlay District”
<br /> track funds needed for heavy equipment •� -r V'• 1 J.
<br /> I (� �r.!sr - appropriate or transfer from To Section 174-5 add the followin new paragraph:
<br /> ;r�R �V _ i d4•- o To see if the Town will vote to raise and a g para ra h:
<br /> ti I
<br /> Article 6: available funds the sum of fS,ODD to the Mashisce Water District Account
<br /> or take any other action relating thereto. 'The boundaries of the Popponesset Overlay District shall be as follows
<br /> To sea it !y., Town will vote to raise and apPFapgiate or transfer from - JOHNS PON o e%C Beginning at the northwest corner of Map 123, Bleck 162 as shown on N
<br /> available funds the sum of $5,640.59 to pay pr"us fiscal yen unpaid t ���;. \ Submitted by Tmasurerfrax Collector 1992 Mashpee Assessors' Maps,
<br /> bias as fellows:
<br /> or
<br /> '. thence southeasterly to the shoreline of Nantucket Sound.
<br /> Vaterms Benefits A .., .R" 7 5 .ItpP rw Explanation; The $5.000 was deducted from the amount done the Town, per
<br /> Stephen Cashman - `" kxII v217J7 .;tom JOHNS POND PARK ) paragraph g3 of the Water District Intermanicipd Agreement. Without Nence following said shoreline northeasterly to the end of Popponuu
<br /> w..�p,
<br /> Now England Telephone 26.60 /171~1111 !-2 J_ty,� this appropriation there will not be sufficient funds to comply with Spit then rounding said spit and following the shoreline of Poppdnesm
<br /> Sutek Marine Electronics Article 13: paragraph dl of the Agreement. Bay and Popponesset Creek to the southeastern corner of Map 112, Elect
<br /> Mikes Service Station 2 - 44:
<br /> Matthew Clancy ;;y+ 5 To am if the Town will vote to transfer from the Quashnei Bog Irrigation.
<br /> Widen, Slater& Goldman, P.C. i; 1,7 3 Account the' sum of $22,200 to the Bog Operation and Maintenance thence westerly along the southern property line of said lot to Shore Drive
<br /> Kelly Reporting Services of Cape Codi . 0 Account, or take any other action relating [hereto. Article 24:
<br /> Rackmann, Sawyer & Brewster .22 thence northerly along Shore Drive and westerly along Strawberry Lane to
<br /> Gatewood Associates '43.00 Submitted by Conservation Commission To tie if the Town will vote to authorize the Board of Selectmen to lease to the southeastern comer of Map 112, Block 100;
<br /> Biman Medical Laboratory - _39.00 - [he Mashpee Post of the Veterans of Foreign Wars, on Canna Satisfactory to
<br /> Doherty Electric ""495.00 the Board, (hose lands shown on the 1992 Mashpee Aswwas Map Map thence northwesterly to the northeastern corner of said for
<br /> r!—�' 62. Plow 58, 60, and 61 as well as a 62,250 square feet portion of Plot 67,
<br /> _. Explanation: The Commission is a the process of buying the bog irrigation
<br /> system. These monies would be set aside for maintenance, operation, all as approximately shown on a plan entitled "PROPOSED VFW SITE' and thence southwesterly along
<br /> g the southwestern corner of Map 111, Bleck 141;
<br /> Total `' ) 9 and/or improvements as needed. dated August, 1992 which is on file in the office of the Town Clerk, and
<br /> or take any other action relating thereto. _ furthermore, vote that such land shall not be held u Comervalion Land thence westerly along Wading Place Road and northeasterly along Holl;
<br /> s'ry pursuant to the provisions of Section 2.9.2 of the Town Bylaws, and finally Road to the northeast corner of Map 111, Block 139;
<br /> vote dial the Board of Selectmen be authorized to submit a petition to the
<br /> Submiucti" 14:oArticle General Court to authorize said lease notwithstanding any provisions of the thence northwesterly along the progeny line of said lot to Spoondutt Way;
<br /> ..JtPU. General Laws to the contrary, or take any other Action Chemon. thence southwesterly along Spoondrift Way, northwesterly along Wading
<br /> Explanation: A royal of Iles ankle is eecessarJs To see it the Town will vote to authorize the Conservation Commission, Place Road and southwcsteSly along.Alma Road Co the northern corner of
<br /> ✓W PP y,kP P+y.ff£(4Nstanding with the approval of the Board of Selectmen, a Cotes into a lease is the Submitted by Board of Selectmen Map ill, Block 197:
<br /> bills that wen submitted by various depanmentssaDer the Iq'se of the management approval
<br /> Town he Boa bogs for period art excess of ase ens,
<br /> previous year. _.J9� B Y 8 a Y
<br /> Y car sake any'other Action related thereto. - into negotiations
<br /> This article will authorise the Board of Selectmen to cora thence southwesterly along a straight line to the southeastern corner o'.
<br /> into negotiations (or a long-arm lean agreement for Mashpee V.F.W., w Map 111, Bleck 201;
<br /> v22n"!"i91•I Submitted by Board of Selectmen that that may develop a Mashpee V.F.W. Post.
<br /> thence northwesterly, w6sterly and southerly along the property lift of
<br /> Article 7: - PCCfo5fD VFW SrM A1� oar J ;g"01 said parol n Aum Jane's Road:
<br /> ' LL'' Explanation: 'This article will authorize the Town"to enter into a team Auausr,1142
<br /> To won if the Town will rota w upgrade positions'claskHi wader the agreement fu the management of its cranberry bogs, pursuant to MGL easel:144aAssaayeirw4:t --- ` .ass thence southwesterly along Aunt Jane's Road, southeasterly along Nicks
<br /> Tanta's Personnel Administration Plan (Appeadik00R76As follows: Chapter 30B fm a period in excess of three years. The Conservation ot.a A,1 �` Trail and southwesterly along Uncle Percy's Road to the nonhentm
<br /> A4mini radve Clerk in the Town Clerk's office from Grade 4t Grade 6, CavmissiOn is currently analyzing alive-yen lease period. came, of Map 123, Block 187;
<br /> Cita wim Agent from Dade 11 to Grade 14, with said upgrades to be 404 , ,
<br /> afiaadma igo�diamly. and to raise and appropriate or transfer from a thence generally southerly and easterly along the eastern property line d
<br /> avdhnbk fundi a Sam of mosey to be allocated to the various departments. saidarml n the northern shore line of Deans Pond;, Y, - D
<br /> Or take my other Action relating thereto. Article 15: ♦ s
<br /> thence following said shore line northeasterly to the northeastern comer of
<br /> Submitted by Personnel Board TO see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate or transfer from Map 123, Block 54;
<br /> available funds the sum of $2,654 to. the Harbormaster Salary Account, or
<br /> EASdanattnn: This article reclassifies two positions. The amounts of the take any other action relating thereto. thence following a straight line to the point of beginning."
<br /> 4 reOlusifiations are as follows - Conservation Agent, $912; and the ton'
<br /> <. Administrative Clerk, 5438.90; tut a total of $1,350.90. Submitted by the Waterways Cotnmitajblf; 9 - and to Section 174-31 "Land Space Requirement§ Table" add • now
<br /> 6w s, footnote "16" as follows and add a reference to said footnote to the heading
<br /> ._ Explanation, This maneyl.�will increase the hours of she Harbormaster to yon 'I .s of the "Maximum Building Height' $Wumn: y n
<br /> _ better serve the Town. - -
<br /> Article 8:, tyl sp tie`y1r "16. Maximum height within the Popponesset Overlay District shall be
<br /> C qv.}eptwenty-eight (28) feet, and maximum number of stories shall be two (2),
<br /> To see if the Town will vote to amend the Zoning Bylaw by amending 64 fp subject to the provisions of footnote 4 of this table.'
<br /> Subsection 174-24 C(6) to chane the Amide 16: t,
<br /> g phrase "not less flim forty-five (45) p t tl�
<br /> days" in Ilse first sone c to read -not less than twenty-one (21) days," u ee o a �- o v o take any other action thereon.
<br /> Sake my other Action thereon. To sif the Town will vote to raise appropriate or transfer frwp 6 •� '¢a -
<br /> available funds the sum of $1,600 to the Harbormaster Salary Amount to tut i� \R'- Submitted by Petition
<br /> him one Waterways Assistant for the of May and June 1993, or o
<br /> Submitted by Town Planner and y Y -
<br /> Zoning Board of Appeals take arty other action relating thereto. alp'
<br /> ,Ili Submitted by Waterways Commission Eaplar tion: This article would reduce allowable building heights in a
<br /> specifically defined "Popponesset Overlay District" to two stories or 29 feet.
<br /> Egplanatioo: The Zoning Bylaw currently provides tkif-'I.._n 8'earings for eti ; _ - �� Current height limits of 35 feet or two and one-half stories have led to the
<br /> special pemtits must be held within 65 days, buV Aat'tetyAliln 45 days, a� aAF recent construction of buildings whose size is out of character with the
<br /> after the filing of an application. The intent of'Jlle 45= Explanation; This money would allow the Harbormaster and Shellfish 1, 1 A generally g g
<br /> g pp day'gerfod was to -s. B Y smaller existing residences' in the neighborhood.
<br /> Blow time for °Ther boards and interested Constable [a pay for a second part-Lime Waterways Assistant through the as i�
<br /> p w ro projects ,Jp° yrs
<br /> evil of the fiscal year.
<br /> before the public hearing. However, the waiting�tpw�roven to be an unnecessary burden for the proponents o 'SIRalyer projects 0.
<br /> reviewed by the.Zoning Board-of Appeals. As a Tefpl fP9I4(�e Seeks to _ $ �p _
<br /> reduce the minimum pre-hearing review period to more reasonable 21 a+a -rte IgbS
<br /> drys. For larger projects, the Zoning Board of Aiagpfs and Planning Board Article 17:' L St tet Vi
<br /> would still have the option of sectio a longer 1
<br /> P B 8 pro-h..... . review period To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate or transfer from a ,e y '
<br /> On a case by can basis. sY"ifl a ya
<br /> available funds the sum of $16,000 to the Police Department Cruiser tr pdp -`
<br /> Account, or take any other action relating there. r ,. '
<br /> I /
<br /> Article 9: I <'' - Submitted by Police Chief ��+ \P` -\'t'" v . a,dra
<br /> Article 25:
<br /> To we if the Town will vote to amend the Zoning Byla)v py pooding the r. Ll
<br /> phram "Or permits for those persons described to Subsection to below' Explanation: The Police Department is attempting to return to its original '1
<br /> after the phrase "from the. provisions of chis wetion"'yid the'third sentence annual three cruiser replacement program and maintain a fleet of six To see it the Town will vote to transfer from the Shellfish Permian 't
<br /> of Section 174-26.D.(3), or take any other action thereon:'Afe'd marked cruisers with mileage of 100,000 or under. In July,of 1993 all of Reserved Receipts Account the sum of $8,500 to the Shellfish Propagation
<br /> the marked police vehicles with exception of the two newly acquired 1992 Amount for fiscal year 1993, or take any Other Victim relating thereto. 't
<br /> Submitted by Pinning Bond models will have mileage in access of 150,000. The price of the 1993 Y
<br /> a
<br /> --- - models will be increased by several hundred'dollars. Submitted by Shellfish Commission
<br /> -
<br /> Explanation: Building permits for projects covered by our: Growth -
<br /> Mmagenwnt bylaw most be applied for between the first and thdYrtteenth Explanation: At the request of the Finance Committee, these funds were
<br /> of the Rea l6 and may Only be issued after the fifteenth. Air procedure Article 18: - omitted from the Shellfish Department budget voted at the May 4, 1992 • J
<br /> was established because the bylaw Sets an order of grioritl!which the Town Meeting. It was stated that they could be allocated at the October
<br /> monthly limit m building permits may be issued. This article would allow To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate or transfer from Town Meeting. The transfer is needed to purchase shellfish sed in the • •/��+'
<br /> those persons who are listed by the bylaw as'+piCgHVm*6oriWindividual available funds the sum of $5,000 to be expended at the direction of the spring Of 1993. Thew funds come from the Shellfish Permit Fws.
<br /> " lOt owners who are building a home for that o +� «atdSOPe.and have no[ - - - ----- --- \ 1
<br /> wo own another building permit m the Drevtout' two yeais,rro apply for Board of Selmtmen for the benefit of the Cape Cod and Massachusetts Bays ..
<br /> - Task hire legal and/or scientific consultants to pursue legal Action
<br /> and receive; building permits at any time of the wtmth:
<br /> to ensure that the water quality of Cape Cqd and Massachusetts Bays will Article 26: v r
<br /> +• - -. not be adversely affected by the Massachusetts Water Resource
<br /> Authority's proposed outfall tunnel .and discharge through it of t
<br /> inadequately treated effluent; and further, to authorize the Selectmen n To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate or transfer from
<br /> ' 9 Y - available funds the sum of $3.587 to the Shellfish Salary/Wage, Amount. Or
<br /> Article 10;
<br /> , c
<br /> r said and to transfer the same to said Cayy
<br /> accept donations fo s d R take any other action relating thereto- •e '7.
<br /> ! Cod and Massachusetts Bays Task Force; and further, to authorize the
<br /> S !_• i
<br /> To we it the Town will vote m transfer the aprq °'� ,Sk317.�0 from the Selectmen to appoint a representative to the Cape Cod and Massachuscns �+ ; r•, rmr4a[ss[r
<br /> iV PP° P P I OVERLAY punier
<br /> Conservation Reserved Receipts Account to the Conservi ion Salary & Submitted by Shellfish Commission
<br /> Wages Account, Or take any other Action relating thereto.. . Bayo.Task Force, or take any other axion relating [hereto
<br /> li
<br /> " Submitted by Board of Selective, Explanation: A full-time, year-round Shellfish Constable is needed to
<br /> r
<br /> Submitted by Conservation' Commission D '
<br /> ` enforce the Shellfish Regulations and continue on with the shellfish
<br /> programs that have been assigned by the Shellfish Commission. Them °
<br /> Explanation: This article will authorize Town assistance for efforts a have been reports of illegal shellfishin activities in the
<br /> Explanation: The past Year's storm damage (from) JyfrjGARe,.Bob and the � P 8 g past when the
<br /> protect the water quality of Cape Cod and Massachusetts Bays m light d Shellfish Constable position was art-ttime. Waterways Hallowces Storm). coupled with tum Maturated r L filingsfor (tor W p have
<br /> often
<br /> are only
<br /> the sed MWRA Outfall tunnel. hired for the Summer. The Shellfish Constables here often
<br /> ! coantal structures), have created as sea recnip ��. for the �� tit in -
<br /> p dR P Article 31:
<br /> Conservation Commission, This transfer would relain_IDC_Y[rleeg of our considerable unpaid overtime to perform their duties adequately. In the
<br /> Senior Clerk from November 1992 through the end of'ahe,fastablya, (June Winter when fewer people are shellfishing, mon, time can be devoted to To see if the Town will vote to authorize and empower the Board of
<br /> 30 of 1993). The more would come from the Rew,ved'cRatM Account, maintenance of boats, nursery trays and Other equipment, and to Selectmen to prepare a plan laying out and definite Amanda Way and m
<br /> Y Pta Amide l9:- i P P Y B 5 Y
<br /> • whk6 6 the Town's share of the Stam wetlands t f which use administrative functions such as the preparation of the budget plana and Accomplish said purpose and for expenses incidental and related thereo,
<br /> ✓ required under Ili Mass. Wetlands Protection Act- '`�^ -tt"`i- reports. The Shellfish Department Salary and Wage Appropriation $25,643 the Town vote to raise and
<br /> 4 To sec if the Town will vole to Accept IM1e provisions of Chapter 82 Section appropriate or transfer from available bean
<br /> is only $67 less than needed to fund a full-time, year-round Shellfish for appropriation
<br /> e. 25 of the Massachusetts General Laws. or take any other action relatingappropriation
<br /> a sum he money r the Amanda Way, f the and w
<br /> Constable at the current rate of pay. However, a wormer Waterways raise said appropriation the Treasurer with the approval of the Board of
<br /> neW'.-
<br /> ,ijt a thereto. - Assistant was funded with $3,520 from the Shellfish Salary and Wage Selectmen be authorized to borrow at one time, or from time to time, a
<br /> Article. 11: ,.n ,.f: - t.• - Account this year. To fund a full-time Shellfish Constable for the rest of sum of mon, under and pursuant to Chapter 44, Section 7 or 8 or u
<br /> (�;} ;., Submitted by the Board of Selectmen Y P P Y
<br /> -- - fiscal year 1997. an allocation of ($67 . $3,52 ) $3,587 from available other enabling authority and to issue bonds and noses of the Town
<br /> To see' it the Town will vote to transfer theliJtl!safi SWAM Ifrom the funds is needed. therefore, and further, to see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate
<br /> Conservation Reserved Receipts Account to-a6;.,Cdiw adpdi Expenseor transfer from available funds a sum of money to the Amanda Way
<br /> Explanation: This will allow the Board of Selectmen, when a Town way is
<br /> Account, or lake any other ration relating thereo -p„,a p!n%,, laid out, relocated or altered, to enter upon the private way to lay sewers Roadways Account to provide interest and debt issuance expenses, or tike
<br /> • ter wand/or water pipes therein before possession is taken for the purpose of any other action relating thereto.
<br /> Submitted by Cop ftrof,,, .qty "ommission constructing such way. Article 27. Submitted by Petition
<br /> The Conservation Commission, as.i£gg9a(W7 pyiike Town, To see if the Town will vote 10 raise and appropriate ser transfer from
<br /> submitted an austere budget request for FY93,:;;oTm %'Time p- Account
<br /> budget currently in place provides inadequab•-funding ip .operating available funds a sum Of the Firefighter Salary and Wage
<br /> t �-� Amount, or Sake any whet Action relating thereto.
<br /> expeows, equipment repair and/or acquisition'-bf—ameded supplies and Article 20: And on am hereby directed to serve this Warrant b
<br /> equipment. This transfer, from funds already s��(?QaQ�e fit the Reserved y y y posting °D atteslad
<br /> Reeeip s Amount (the Town's sham of Stam wki4iRist•�$f�tit a which To see if the Town will raise and appropriate or transfer from available Submitted by Fre Chief copies thereof, one at the Town HW,me at the Post Office, and One seek a•
<br /> funds the sum of $972 to the Town Clerk Expense Account. or take a the bulletin boards, fourteen days at least before said meeting.
<br /> w required under the Masa. Wetlands Protmtton_atgl�,.�. Dc Y ,
<br /> •y_j)+: ' Action related thereto. Explanation: This article will correct she FY1993 bud Hereof fail not and make 4eaurns of,this Wartmt with on dojo s thereon
<br /> 4 D gat by funding Y 8
<br /> Submitted by Town Clot
<br /> fircfi$hter salaries in line with the cement contractual amoupls. to the Town Clerk at the time and a
<br /> place, of Said meting.
<br /> Ankle 11
<br /> ExDlanadon: This Article will fund the printing of 100 new zoning basks Given under our hands this 10th day of September in the year of ter LOtd
<br /> To see if the Town will vote to place the followtug;ipysyels of ,T,gwnowned for sale in the Town Clerk's Office. 1 we thousand nine hundred and ninety-two.
<br /> Inds under the arcm
<br /> , custody, management and 4ot§g4syf'i11hp Conservatim - Amide 28:
<br /> Commission and w designate said parcels as c,gpnservatton,)and for all Per order of,
<br /> re&& s my in Chatter e0. Salim : C of
<br /> -ehd G&red$IEawa m it now To we if the Town will von to uans(er from available foods a sum of
<br /> " reads or may hereafter be amended: (Plapd(; dpplbttfif.':,by 1993 Article 21: 1 money to the Stabilization Fund, or oke any other warm relatkg thercw.
<br /> " As wf Map and Block number) (a) 42-I8, c6h istMg-Sr-22-acres mon Nancy J. Caffyn, Chairman
<br /> or leu, nosh of But Road adjacent w Johns Pond Park, (b) 42-30, To sec if the Town will vote to amend Chapter 37-8 and amend Article 1, Submitted by Fiume Committee James Vaccaro
<br /> emsistiag of 9.5 Acres on the Seat side of Mhgdy,. gfAs,fPtkon GraftOn 5-I by adding [o Doth the following: Judy M. Mille
<br /> Poekmlt Road adjacent to Johns Pond Park and (c) 43-3, consisting of 14.7 Carol H. Jacobson
<br /> ecru On the north side of Grafton Pocknett Road adjacent to Johns Pond "Any person appointed by the Board of Selectmen to any position shall be Explanation: This article will transfer surplus funds trio the Town i George R.Coria
<br /> Park and the Makepeace Wildlife Sanctuary, or take any other action swom to the faithful performance of his duties by the Town Clerk prior to Stabilization Account for future capital needs BOARD OFSE-SCf*fHN
<br />