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1988-1990-ZBA APPEALS
Town Clerk
1988-1990-ZBA APPEALS
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I Minutes - November 30, 1988 Page 3. <br />BOARD OF APPEALS <br />• CHARLES TALANIAN - Requests a Variance under Section 7.4 of the Land <br />Space Requirements for permission to vary the building height in an R-3 <br />zoning district on property located at 29 Ockway Bay Road (Map 100, Lot 55) <br />Mashpee, MA. <br />Members sitting: W. Hanrahan, M. Makunas, C. Hawver <br />Attorney Kevin Kerraine represented this petition. He presented plans <br />of the lot and explained that the hardship is the topography of a difficult <br />lot in a sensitive area. Both the DEQE and the Conservation Commission <br />have issued orders on the location of the dwelling to protect the wetland <br />areas. <br />Mr. Robert Bergman, engineer, and Mr. Peter Vanderbil, builder, were <br />also present. Mr. Bergman explained that the original location of the house <br />would have required paving due to the steepness of the slope. The DEQE <br />recommended that the situation would be improved by raising the house to <br />eliminate the need for paving. The Mashpee Conservation Commission concurred <br />with the DEQE finding. The new location requires a Variance of 4' in the <br />height of the building. <br />Mr. Hanrahan read a letter from an immediate abutter, William R. Haney, <br />objecting to the Variance petition. <br />. Mr. Makunas moved to grant the Variance of 4' in the building height. <br />Mrs. Hawver seconded. All agreed. <br />NOTICE OF APPEAL - James Kerrigan (owner of record: Thomas R. Saunders) <br />hereby appeals the Building Inspector's decision to deny the construction of <br />a single family dwelling on a non -conforming lot in an R-2 zoning district <br />on property located at 30 Lettie Lane (Map 36, Lot 47B) Mashpee, MA. <br />NOTICE OF APPEAL - James Kerrigan (owner of record: Thomas R. Saunders) <br />hereby appeals the Building Inspector's decision to deny the construction <br />of a single family dwelling on a non -conforming lot in a C-2 zoning district <br />on property located at 11 Lettie Lane (Map 36, Lot 47E) Mashpee, MA. <br />Members sitting: W. Hanrahan, C. Hawver,.M. Makunas <br />Attorney John Connolly represented the petitioner. He presented plot <br />plans of both lots and explained that a subdivision plan for the lots was <br />approved in 1970 with the requirement that a turn -around be included at the <br />end of the street. <br />He stated that Lot 2 (30 Lettie Lane) is in a residential zone and <br />reviewed the zoning by-law in which three or less adjoining non -conforming <br />lots are protected. <br />He said <br />Lot 5 (11 Lettie Lane) <br />on the opposite side of the street, is <br />now partially <br />in a commercial zone, <br />although it was originally a residential <br />• <br />lot. <br />
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