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1988-1990-ZBA APPEALS
Town Clerk
1988-1990-ZBA APPEALS
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Minutes - November 30, 1988 BOARD OF APPEALS Page 4. <br />• Mr. Govoni questioned if lots were in one name. Mr. Connolly said they <br />have recently been put in different names but were originally in one name. <br />He expressed opinion that Lots 2, 3, 4 and 5 were buildable lots with residential <br />zoning and that an easement would have to be given on Lot 8 for a turn -around. <br />Mr. Govoni asked Mr. Boyd for reasons for the refusal of building permits. <br />Mr. Boyd responded that denial had been based on the adjoining lots and on <br />Section 7.6 requiring access for fire department vehicles. <br />Mr. Connolly said that Goodspeed Meetinghouse Road is an ancient way <br />and an accepted egress. Mr. Boyd replied that he had problems with the physical <br />condition of Goodspeed Meetinghouse Road and suggested the Board confer with <br />Town Counsel on the denial of a permit on an ancient way. <br />Mr. Makunas motioned to take the appeal on Lot 2 under advisement. <br />Mrs. Hawver seconded. All agreed. <br />Mr. Connolly reviewed the zoning on Lot 5. Under Section 4.3 when a <br />lot is transected by a zoning district boundary, the regulations of the By-law <br />shall be applicable to the larger part of the area. The larger part of Lot <br />5 is now commercial. In 1971 the lot was zoned residential. <br />He stated that the owners think it more appropriate that there be six <br />residential lots and have covenants run with the deeds prohibiting commercial <br />• use. He said the owners were willing to make improvements to Goodspeed Meetinghouse <br />Road but it was privately owned. Mr. Kerrigan said he would pave if given <br />permission from property owners. <br />Mr. Govoni said he considered access to the property a problem and Mr. <br />Makunas said he felt Goodspeed Meetinghouse Road should be paved to the entrance <br />of the property <br />Mr. Makunas motioned to take the petition under advisement. Mrs. Hawver <br />seconded. All agreed. <br />SANDRA J. REEVES - Requests a Variance under Section 7.4 of the Land <br />Space Requirements for permission to vary the setback requirements in an R-3 <br />zoning district on property located at 117 Summersea Road (Map 105, Lot 70) <br />Mashpee, MA. <br />Members sitting: W. Hanrahan, M. Makunas, C. Hawver <br />Attorney Paul Flavin represented the Petition. He reviewed the history of <br />the building. Mrs. Reeves was issued a Building Permit for the house on <br />April 15, 1987 after receiving plan approval from the New Seabury Architectural <br />Review Committee. It was understood that the lot was part of the New Seabury <br />Special Permit zoning permitting zero lot line setbacks. In September of <br />1988 the Reeves were notified by the Building Department that the lot was <br />not included in the New Seabury Special Permit and a stop work order was issued. <br />They were also informed that the contractor had not applied for a pool permit. <br />The house was substantially completed. <br />• <br />
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