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1988-1990-ZBA APPEALS
Town Clerk
1988-1990-ZBA APPEALS
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Minutes - November 30, 1988 BOARD OF APPEALS Page 5. <br />• Reeves, continued <br />Mr. Flavin was of the opinion that the applicable zoning at the time <br />the lot was formed in August of 1965 was R-75. The setback requirements at <br />that time were 20 feet front and 7.5 feet side with no rear setbacks. <br />He is seeking the Variance to allow a-15.8 feet front setback and <br />4.4 side setbacks and 6.4 rear setback. <br />Mr. Martin Clayman, 115 Summersea Road, a direct abutter, expressed <br />concern about location of the Reeves garage. He said the houses are now <br />30 feet apart and two of his windows look directly into two windows of the <br />Reeves home. He stated that he had reviewed the landscaping plan approved <br />by the New Seabury Architectural Review Committee and discovered that it <br />provided no fence or shrubs to protect his property but favored property on <br />the other side of the Reeves. <br />Eliot Levy, 88 Summersea Road, an abutter across the street, expressed <br />his opposition. He reported that he had not been permitted to build an <br />addition as close to the street as the Reeves property. <br />Mr. Boyd said that the Town of Mashpee had assumed that all of New <br />Seabury was zero lot line zoning. He said Town was never able to get a <br />master plan until last year. Jack Brown, Engineer at New Seabury, had <br />researched.the master plan and determined that Summersea, Daniels Island, <br />• and many other streets were excluded. <br />Mr. Hanrahan asked if there was any possibility of a compromise between <br />Mr. Clayman and Mr. Reeves. Mr. Clayman said he felt some natural screening <br />between the lots and replacement of glass with translucent panes in some of <br />his windows might preserve his privacy. <br />Mr. Reeves stated that he and Mr. Clayman had been close to an agreement <br />On the plantings but he considered the $2,000 for the translucent glass was <br />excessive. He reported that he had already removed one window from his house <br />and replaced it with siding to provide more privacy for the Claymans. <br />Mr. Hanrahan asked if Mr. Reeves and Mr. Clayman would attempt a <br />compromise. <br />Mr. Makunas motioned to take the petition under advisement. Mrs. Hawver <br />seconded. All agreed. <br />ROSE YAYLAIAN - (advisement) <br />Members sitting: W. Hanrahan, M. Makunas, R. Halpern <br />Mr. Halpern reported that the Board had received a letter from an <br />abutter, Joseph R. Farley, stating that he would like to withdraw his objection <br />to the Variance request to build a garage on a non -conforming lot. <br />Mr. Hanrahan moved to grant the Variance to expand a non -conforming <br />structure. Mr. Makunas seconded. All agreed. <br />• CHERYL HAWVER <br />Mr. Makunas moved to appoint Cheryl Hawver Vice Chairman of the Board <br />of App <br />
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