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-fzl w r� G <br /> LEISURE SERVICES ADVISORY COUNCIL MEETING <br /> My 11, 1995 <br /> TOWN HALL - 6:30 PM <br /> PRESENT ABSENT ALSO PRESENT <br /> Ron Roberts Linda Young Gus Frederick <br /> Maureen Paxton George Costa <br /> MaryAnne Gibbs Nick Feldmen, Principal Liaison <br /> Elisa Meunier Bob Tippo, Principal Liaison <br /> I. Meeting opened at the Town Hall at 6:50 PM. <br /> if. Secretary's Report - It was noted that George Costa was listed as being both Present and <br /> Absent at the June 6, 1995 meeting. It should be reflected that George was in attendance <br /> at this meeting. MaryAnne made motion to approve minutes from June 6, 1995 meeting, <br /> with changes. Ron seconded. Motion carried. <br /> III. Communication - <br /> 1) NYPUM update - Mashpee is still under consideration for this program. Honda <br /> Motorcycle Corporation is sponsor through local dealership (new one in Hyannis) - Gus <br /> has already contacted them. At this point, the application is still being processed, and we <br /> will not knoow results until the Fall. <br /> 2) Skateboard Competition - A flyer was handed out regarding an upcoming <br /> Skateboard Competion to be held in Duxbury on July 20th. Gus will try to go to observe. <br /> 3) There will be another Youth Council Meeting on Wednesday July 19th at 5:30 <br /> with Gus. Location will be at the Town hall. <br /> 4. JTEC - There were not enough referrals in Mashpee this year to run the <br /> program. It was suggested that contact should be made with Janet Kraskouskas at <br /> Mashpee Middle School in the fall to discuss ways of increasing referrals for next year's <br /> JTEC program. Will need to target this year's 8th grades. Maryanne said nothing had <br /> gone through school Committee to be passed out. Marianne indicated that she will bring <br /> up in school Committee. <br /> IV. Reports - <br /> A.Old Business - <br /> 1. By-Laws changes - A recommendation was made to change meeting to 6:30 PM <br /> instead of 4:30 PM. Additionally, a recommendation to change to a rotating principal <br /> schedule regarding committee membership; and that the contract paragraph be taken out <br /> between school committee - Leisure Services - Selectmen (about school usage). Gus is <br /> hopeful that calendar at MMS will alleviate scheduling problems, especially by getting <br /> sports schedule early from Mr. Tippo. Both Gus and Jim Marr have met with Mr. Feldman, <br /> Mr. Tippo, and Mr. Williams about school programs for this coming year. All present <br /> voted to accept by-laws changes. Marianne made motion. Elisa seconded. Motion carried. <br /> 2. Recognition Night - It was recommended that a casual dinner program be <br /> established to recognize all those helping out with Leisure Service activities, each year. <br /> A pot luck afair held at Heritage Park might be a good start. Invitations - thanks to <br /> supporters. Instructors, janitors, businesses, coaches, etc. would be invited to attend. <br /> Tentative date August 25th, Friday at 6:00 Pm. This could lead into being a long range plan <br />