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as future fundraiser. Vendor list will be assembled then amount of people figured out and <br /> plans can be made for event. Need number of people. Meeting to be a held at a later date <br /> to work out details. <br /> 3. Human Service Coalition - meeting will be held on July 26. Gus is working with <br /> Barnstable County Human Services, and the Upper Cape Cod Neighborhood Family <br /> Coalition on programs in Mashpee and Falmouth. Between $76,000 and $100,000 a year in <br /> grant money available. <br /> 4. Recreation Plan Update - Leisure Services should develop from previous (1986) <br /> plan, so as to have a say in long range plans for town. For example - landfill area after <br /> being capped. Gus felt that plan should be developed and presented to the Board of <br /> Selectmen, and ratified. The Plan draft - Sections 1 - 4 will be discussed at Aug. lst <br /> meeting. <br /> 5. Youth Commission. There has been a lack of attendance and with quorums for <br /> Youth Commission. Looking for new members. <br /> 6. Together We Can - Monies coming available - will be reorganizing. Gus <br /> working with Steering Committee. <br /> B. New Business - <br /> 1. Afterschool Program - Leisure Services picking up all programs extending to <br /> MMS. Maureen asked Maryanne about using revolving account to help fund programs. <br /> Maryanne looking into and Maureen talking with Diane Romelmeyer. Teachers will be <br /> given chance to take teaching jobs before they are advertised. Hourly pay to be <br /> determined at later date. Revolving account issue to be brought up at joint meeting with <br /> Selectmen and School Committee. <br /> V. Adjournment - Ron made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 8:24 PM. Maureen seconded. <br /> Motion carried. <br />