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LEISURE SERVICES ADVISORY COUNCIL MEETING <br /> August 1. 1995 <br /> TOWN HALL - 6:30 PM <br /> PRESENT ABSENT ALSO PRESENT <br /> Ron Roberts Linda Young Gus Frederick <br /> Maureen Paxton George Costa <br /> Elisa Meunier MaryAnne Gibbs <br /> Nick Feldmen, Principal Liaison <br /> Bob Tippo, Principal Liaison <br /> I. Opening - Meeting opened at the Town Hall at 6:45 PM. <br /> Secretary's Report - <br /> Elisa made a motion to approve the Minutes of July 11, 1995. Ron Roberts seconded. <br /> Motion carried. <br /> I1I. Communications - <br /> 1. Bike Paths - Gus is looking into bike paths for youth to utilize planning with Tom <br /> Fudala. <br /> 2. Selectman Dinizio letter- Gate attendant not at post. Gus addressed the situation and <br /> attendant was put at another beach. Gus is writing letter to police concerning near run <br /> over at South Cape Beach. Council supports letter to police written by Gus. <br /> 3. Task force on children - minutes <br /> 4. Cape Cod Neighborhood Coalition - Teams of interviewers going to Mashpee village, <br /> Great Neck Road North, and Santuit Pond areas. These areas tracked as needing services - <br /> kids and families. <br /> 5. Head Lifeguard - A new head lifeguard was selected - Amy Tonaszuck. <br /> 6. Sharon Gay - EOCD - Town applying for grant to make building handicap accessible <br /> building. Gus is working with her for grant for handicap playground equipment. <br /> IV. Reports <br /> A. Old Business - <br /> 1. Rec Plan - Gus and staff revising. Gus would like Advisory Council rules <br /> defined, roles of school administrators defined and use of school. Would like to <br /> work with DPW on beach clean up. Problems with weekends - no trash pick up. <br /> Gus looking into hiring college-age kids for weekend clean-ups (emptying barrels <br /> and other duties, etc.) Council would like to be in on meeting. also may be a <br /> handout for suggestions that gate attendants can pass out. <br /> 2. Youth Council- Meeting 8/2/95 at 5:30 <br /> 3. Together We Can - Steering Committee meeting Monday, 8/7/95 at 10:30 <br /> 4. Solutions -next issue coming soon. <br /> 5. Recognition night - canceled 8/25 until further notice. <br /> 6: Meering 8/9 (Wednesday) at 8:45 AM at Leisure Service office to review <br /> Recreation Plan. <br /> B. New Business <br /> 1. Fall Programs - brochure and programs being worked on. <br /> 2. Rev. Acct. update - Jim is working on this. <br /> 3. Leisure Activities - not discussed. <br />