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Reports - <br /> Old Business - <br /> Youth Council Gus would like to utilize the Middle School on weekends with activities for <br /> older kids. Volunteers would be needed. Gus has had some parental interest. <br /> Human Services_: Gus is asking for input from schools about Health Insurance for teens. <br /> Kathy Lynch stated that Dr. DeMoura has received information on this. <br /> Together We Can - Gus is looking for help with steering committee. Mashpee will be <br /> receiving a $5,000 Grant from Cape & Islands Partnership to Reduce Substance Abuse. <br /> Gus mentioned that the NYPUM Program to cost $5,000. Gus would like to receive more <br /> than the $5,000. Maureen asked Bob Tippo if Guidance could be involved. Gus will be <br /> keeping Guidance informed. Bob had to leave at 7:30 and requested meeting dates be sent <br /> to him. <br /> Skateboard Park Coalition - (Bob Tippo was still present for this discussion),Gus sent <br /> Dr. DeMoura a letter concerning the issue of using School property for Skateboarding. <br /> In meeting with Dr. DeMoura, he would like to meet with parents and kids about this. In <br /> Mashpee there is no insurance coverage for skating ramps. Gus is also meeting with <br /> Falmouth kids as well. Dr. DeMoura is concerned about supervision and operation hours. <br /> Bob and Kathy and Terrie commented that these are legitimate concerns and could <br /> possibly be met. Gus also would like to talk with police on this issue and would like a <br /> location sought out - possibly the high school Bob mentioned he had seen two tennis <br /> courts converted into a skateboard park before. <br /> 3. Cape Cod Neighborhood Support- not discussed. <br /> 4. Recreation Plan - not enough members to work on present plan. <br /> 5. Oktoberfest - Gus has many older kids signed up to help. <br /> 6. Fall Programs - not discussed. <br /> B. New Business - <br /> 1. Computerized Registration - need to put in for next year's budget. <br /> 2. Bylaws - need approval still <br /> 3. Capitol Improvement plan - not discussed <br /> Discussion closed at 8:45 PM. <br /> Respectfully submitted, <br /> Elisa Meunier <br />