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MASHPEE FINANCE COMMITTEE MEETING MINUTES <br /> MAY 1, 1995 <br /> MEETING COMMENCED AT 6:40PN <br /> Finance Committee members present: Dan Goggin, Chairman; Marcia <br /> King, Vice Chairman; Sid Golub; Denise Sullivan and Tony Gallo. <br /> Juan Bacigalupi was unable to attend. <br /> Please note for the record that this meeting was not taped. <br /> Mr. Goggin informed the Committee that the Board of Selectmen have <br /> agreed to use only the Finance Committee's column of <br /> recommendations for the Town Meeting. <br /> Mr. Goggin informed Mr. Golub that he would be discussing Articles <br /> 3, 5, 19 and 31 of the Annual Town Warrant. Ms. King would be <br /> discussing Article 9 , the Circulation Assistant for the Library. <br /> The Finance Committee agreed to place money into the Stabilization <br /> Account from the Annual Warrant not the Special Warrant. They <br /> would also place money from the Special in October. <br /> The Committee discussed Article 4, Legal and Engineering. Mr. <br /> Goggin informed the Committee that the Executive Secretary does <br /> have a breakdown of the legal costs. The figure given by the <br /> Executive Secretary for legal needs for FY96 is $124 ,547 .59. Mr. <br /> Goggin mentioned that he would ask Mr. Whritenour to make copies of <br /> this breakdown and provide the sheet to the Finance Committee at <br /> their next meeting. <br /> The Finance Committee discussed the Library's capital request for <br /> $15,000 to convert their heating system to gas. Mr. Golub <br /> explained that it would be a $1,500 savings and a $500 pay back <br /> each year with a 30 year return. Mr. Golub asked that the Finance <br /> committee vote. The Committee opposed the Library's request 4-1, <br /> Mr. Goggin approving. <br /> The meeting adjourned at 7: 35PM. Minutes respectfully submitted by <br /> Jean M. Mooney, Recording Secretary. <br />