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MASHPEE FINANCE COMMITTEE MEETING MINUTES <br /> MAY 2, 1995 <br /> MEETING COMMENCED AT 6:30PM <br /> Finance Committee members present: Dan Goggin, Chairman; Marcia <br /> King, Vice Chairman; Sid Golub; Denise Sullivan; Tony Gallo and <br /> Juan Bacigalupi. <br /> Please note for the record that this meeting was not taped. <br /> Jim Vaccaro, Selectman, was present at the meeting to discuss the <br /> Town Hall renovations which would be discussed at the night's <br /> meeting. He explained that the Article to be discussed was a <br /> bonding issue, so that the Town could begin the renovations in <br /> FY96. There would be no payment until FY97. Mr. Vaccaro also <br /> mentioned that this is one opportunity to get the work completed <br /> within Proposition 2 1/2 . <br /> Marcia King mentioned that her concern was that this was moving too <br /> quickly. Mr. Vaccaro stated that this is the most cost effective <br /> and painless way for the Town to improve working conditions and <br /> provide much needed space. He provided a sheet which had the <br /> proposed renovations sketched. The Great Room would be converted <br /> into three meeting rooms. Mr. Golub stated that his biggest <br /> concern was the high school and its costs. Mr. golub was not sure <br /> that the Town will have enough money. Ms. King stated that these <br /> renovations costs will eat up 30 to 40% of the capital money in the <br /> capital budget for the next 15 years. She also commented that <br /> there will be many capital requests that will have to be denied <br /> because of this. Mr. Golub asked if this was the right time for <br /> this? Mr. Golub again mentioned the costs of the high school . Mr. <br /> Vaccaro responded by saying if all agree that the work needs to be <br /> done then just do it. Mr. Goggin stated that all agree that <br /> something needs to be done. He then stated that if these <br /> renovations become a high priority then other items will be set at <br /> a lower priority. Mr. Vaccaro hoped that the Finance Committee <br /> would reconsider. Mr. Vaccaro also informed the Finance Committee <br /> that the architect was at the back of the room if any wished to <br /> speak to him. Mr. Goggin again stated that if Town Hall goes into <br /> the Capital Budget then other things go out. <br /> Ms. King MOTIONED to change the Finance Committee's prior vote to <br /> accept the Article bonding $1.5 million for the Town Hall <br /> renovations. Denise Sullivan seconded the Motion and members <br /> approved 5-0, Sid Golub abstaining. <br /> The meeting adjourned at 7 :OOPM. Minutes respectfully submitted by <br /> Jean M. Mooney, Recording secretary. <br />