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2. Youth Drop ram. From Together We Can came the idea to offer something to <br /> our Middle School students on weekends. A place for ping pong, snacks and table <br /> games. Gus also brought up the idea of having an open door activity time after school <br /> until 5:00 PM in the MMS gym.This could be offered in coordination with MMS sports <br /> presently offered. <br /> I3. Revolving Account Update was discussed. <br /> V. Other Business - <br /> Elisa Meunier will discuss her role as chair person at the next meeting. She is working full time <br /> and may not have the time needed to serve as chair person. <br /> IV. Adjournment - Ron Roberts made motion to adjourn. George Costa seconded. Motion carried. <br /> Meeting adjourned at 4:30 PM. The next meeting will be Tuesday, March 7, at 4:30 PM at the <br /> MMS. <br /> Respectfully submitted, ^� <br /> Maureen Paxton �J / <br />