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8 <br /> <br />Board of Selectmen <br />Minutes <br />November 28, 2016 <br /> <br />Discussion of Quashnet Window Project, Joint Meeting with School Committee: (continued) <br /> <br />Mr. Myers indicated the School Committee has made a solid commitment to the Mashpee schools and to <br />the community to bring forth top rated schools to support the educational process for the next 40 years. <br />This is an approach which may cost more, but there is the option to obtain reimbursement from the state. <br />It is clearly an issue that is important and needs to be addressed. Mr. Myers stated he is hopeful this is <br />not the tip of the iceberg. Somewhere, somehow the Town needs to move forward with a single <br />proposal for the windows, doors, soffits and roof. Town Manager Collins indicated he was assured this <br />is a building worth investigating. <br /> <br />Next Monday at the Board of Selectmen Meeting, the Board of Selectmen will continue to discuss this <br />matter. It would be helpful to get an estimate of cost assumptions to assist in their review. <br />In considering enrollment projections, building operations and staffing at the three school buildings, the <br />question was asked if the School Committee has given thought with respect to downsizing and <br />consolidating to better serve the needs of the community. <br /> <br />In response Mr. Myers agreed that enrollments have been declining as with other schools. The official <br />enrollment in Mashpee for October was higher and in Mr. Myers opinion, the Town has reached a <br />stabilization point. The K.C. Coombs School is at maximum capacity and accommodates a free <br />preschool program. This is an investment in the education plateau for the foreseeable future. At the <br />Quashnet School, one room is used for utilities and there are locker rooms in need of repair. The Town <br />has not invested in the Quashnet School for a number of years. As for the high school, the building is <br />being fully utilized. To further expand on the technical school offerings requires additional funding and <br />space. Mr. Myers indicated there are lots of opportunities to expand and to enhance what the School <br />Department is currently doing to make Mashpee a destination school. Mr. Myers added that Mashpee is <br />now back to being a level 2 school and will possibly achieve level 1 status in the future. <br /> <br />The Board of Selectmen has been conducting due diligence in reviewing other Town Departments and <br />areas to reduce costs. To continue this practice, the Selectmen requested to obtain comment from the <br />School Committee with respect to long term projections and demographics. When the Town is required <br />to go before the voters to ask for a debt exclusion, the Board of Selectmen are obligated to explain why, <br />and to fully inform the voters of the need. The question was asked as to why the School Department is <br />investing in old buildings and has chosen not to consolidate. <br /> <br />Chris Santos responded by stating this matter is out of the purview of the School Committee and it is on <br />the Board of Selectmen to bring people to Mashpee. Long term relies on what is the Town of Mashpee <br />is doing. The Board requested the School Committee consider the trends, and how they perceive this <br />issue is evolving to further educate the Board of Selectmen on this matter. In closing interim <br />Superintendent Patricia LaBoef indicated there are more opportunities, there is more competition and <br />more charter schools to choose from. With respect to consolidation, each school in Mashpee is not <br />enough to fit into another school. Ms. LaBoef stated the answer is to become outstanding so those who <br />are choosing options come to Mashpee. <br /> <br />