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7 <br /> <br /> <br /> <br />Board of Selectmen <br />Minutes <br />November 28, 2016 <br /> <br />APPOINTMENTS & HEARINGS <br /> <br />Discussion of Quashnet Window Project, Joint Meeting with School Committee: (continued) <br /> <br />School Committee member George Schmidt indicated if the Town does not move forward with the <br />window and door replacement project, there is chance the MSBA would reject the application. There is <br />also risk as the roof project may be deferred to another funding round. <br /> <br />Catherine Laurent, Director of Public Works affirmed the need to complete the roof project in <br />conjunction with the window project. Ms. Laurent recommended the Town take the time to obtain a <br />proposal to investigate the conditions of the roof and then move forward. If the schematic design were <br />deferred to March, it would not impact the installation schedule. <br /> <br />Selectman Gottlieb further suggested the Board of Selectmen and School Committee meet with <br />representatives from MSBA to discuss the need for the expansion of the school project, and then <br />proceed realizing the scope of the partnership with MSBA. <br /> <br />Rodney C. Collins, Town Manager indicated that without a Special Town Meeting, the Town of <br />Mashpee does not have the available funds to conduct a feasibility study for the Quashnet School roof. <br />In October, the Town requested an emergency reserve fund transfer from the Finance Committee to fund <br />$17,500 the remainder of the $92,000 appropriation for additional costs associated to the schematic <br />design of the Quashnet School window and door replacement project. <br /> <br />School Committee Chairman Don Myers stated that at the end of last fiscal year, the School Committee <br />turned back funding to be earmarked for this project. Town Manager Collins indicated the monies are <br />certified as free cash to be used for the project which at the time was $1.3 million to $1.7 million, but the <br />Town is unable to access the funds without Town Meeting authorization. <br /> <br />It is the consensus of the Board of Selectmen and School Committee to broaden the project scope and to <br />delay the December submittal to MSBA, determine how the town would pay for this project, and to <br />meet jointly with MSBA. <br /> <br />Scott McGee a member of the School Committee noted that Medicaid funds are returned yearly to the <br />Town. Mr. McGee asked if this money could be used for this project. In response, Rodney C. Collins <br />Town Manager indicated that any turn backs are certified as free cash and would require Town Meeting <br />authorization to expend the funds. Mr. McGee stated that he is in agreement with the recommendation <br />of the DPW Director to hold back and to submit one application to MSBA. <br /> <br />School Committee member Chris Santos was in agreement with Ms. Laurent’s recommendation as well. <br />Mr. Santos noted the Quashnet School has had problems with the HVAC, and it is extremely important <br />to review the conditions of the roof and to find out where the money for this project is going to come <br />from.