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6 <br /> <br /> <br />Board of Selectmen <br />Minutes <br />November 28, 2016 <br /> <br />APPOINTMENTS & HEARINGS <br /> <br />Discussion of Quashnet Window Project, Joint Meeting with School Committee: (continued) <br /> <br />Discussion followed with regards to the windows proposed to be constructed of aluminum material. As <br />a result of the soffit condition blocking is proposed to alleviate moisture from entering the window <br />frames. This alteration would reduce the proportion of the windows by approximately 1”. Some of the <br />lower windows would also be replaced with an insulated panel. With regards to velocity zones, it was <br />disclosed the project would be required to adhere to the 9th Edition of the Massachusetts Building Code. <br />The building is a Risk Category III and the wind speed is expected to exceed 140 mph. Impact glass is <br />therefore required to 150 mph. <br /> <br />As the matter of the roof was debated, it was disclosed that typically a patch would realize a one year <br />warranty while a new roof membrane would include a 30 year manufacturer’s warranty. Windows have <br />an estimated life of 40 years, with warranties for 20 plus years on finish. Maintenance on the windows <br />would be minimal. It was noted there is water infiltration into the building which may further deteriorate <br />the building causing more leaks and mold conditions. <br /> <br />It was agreed that efficiencies are gained by combining the projects. The proposal should be presented <br />in one design package to MSBA. It was noted that MSBA is aware of the quandary the Town of <br />Mashpee is facing. However, there are no recommendations or indications this approach would be <br />favored by MSBA, but there are reimbursement savings to realize. It was recommended the project <br />proponents complete the schematic design and feasibility study related to the window and door <br />replacement project and obtain two independent documents regarding costs associated to the EFIS and <br />roof replacement projects. <br /> <br />A project timeline was developed. Currently, RDA is approaching the 60% design phase. On <br />December 14, 2016 a presentation of the window and door replacement project including cost estimates <br />for the EFIS is scheduled with the Quashnet School Building Committee. With approval, the project <br />would be submitted to the MSBA thereafter for funding consideration. A decision should be reached <br />with the MSBA by February 15, 2017. The Town of Mashpee would then vote the capital costs at the <br />May 2017 Town Meeting. <br /> <br />If the roof is included in the project scope, the submission would go back to the MSBA in March 2017. <br />It was restated that permission is required from MSBA to combine the roof project with the window and <br />door replacement project. This is the preferred approach by the Town, and if the MSBA is receptive the <br />joint project would move forward. <br /> <br />Without a decision from MSBA the Town may be required to submit a new Statement of Interest (SOI) <br />for the roof project. There is risk to the Town in completing design development and construction <br />documents and it may be the decision of the MSBA to require the Town to submit the roof as a separate <br />project. The timeline for the roof project if it is deferred is then November 2017 for MSBA approval. <br />