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2 <br />Board of Selectmen <br />Minutes <br />October 4, 2016 <br />Present: Selectman Gottlieb, Selectman Cahalane, Selectman O'Hara, <br />Selectman Cotton, Selectman Sherman <br />Town Manager Rodney C. Collins <br />Assistant Town Manager Wayne E. Taylor <br />Meeting Called to Order by Chairman Gottlieb at 6:30 p.m. <br />Mashpee Town Hall, Waquoit Meeting Room <br />NEW BUSINESS <br />Presentation and discussion of lona term fiscal analvsis/elan for the Town: <br />The Board of Selectmen met with the Financial Team consisting of Dawn Thayer Finance Director, <br />Jason Streebel Town Assessor and Craig Mayen the Treasurer/Tax Collector for the purpose of <br />reviewing the long term fiscal analysis and plan for the Town of Mashpee through fiscal year 2027. <br />Prior to the onset of discussion, Town Manager Rodney C. Collins commended his Financial Team for <br />contributing their time, research and professionalism to prepare a 10 -year financial forecast document <br />for the Town of Mashpee. <br />On behalf of the Financial Team Dawn Thayer outlined the financial conjectures surmised in <br />developing the financial strategies which are comprised in nine different scenarios. After reviewing <br />the operating budget over a six year span from 2011 through 2017 budget assumptions are based on <br />departmental increases and fixed costs including debt for renovations to the Cape Cod Regional <br />Technical School, and costs associated to health insurance, capital expenditures and the Quashnet <br />School window and door replacement project. <br />Scenario 1 is the basis base projection used in each analysis. Scenario 1 (FYI 8 -2027) does not <br />include wastewater projections. <br />Budget assumptions include a department budget both non -educational and educational and is <br />reflective of an increase of 2.5%. Fixed costs consider an increase of 2.5% with the exception of <br />LIUNA increased at 10% and in health insurance increased by10% per year. It is anticipated the <br />budget would include an additional $300,000 assessment for the Cape Cod Technical School project <br />beginning in FY2022 although exact figures are not fully realized to date. The first bond payment is <br />included in projections for the Quashnet School window project anticipated to begin in FY2021. <br />With capital improvement programs, building renovations and road projects a $3.8 million bond is <br />recommended with bond payments to begin in FY2022. The budget recommendation to provide for a <br />capital debt exclusion for a $3.8 million bond is included in all scenarios. The override would <br />maintain the level of services through fiscal year 2027. However, pending wastewater debt is not <br />included in this assumption. The Board of Selectmen requested a detailed analysis of debt configured <br />in the $3.8 million bond proposal. <br />