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10/4/2016 BOARD OF SELECTMEN Minutes
10/4/2016 BOARD OF SELECTMEN Minutes
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Board of Selectmen <br />Minutes <br />October 4, 2016 <br />Presentation and discussion of lona term fiscal analysis/plan for the Town: (continued) <br />When asked of the tax rate, Mr. Streebel Director of Assessing indicated the tax rate is dependent upon <br />the real estate market. Although the market tends to flow in a ten-year cycle, Mr. Streebel projects real <br />estate to peak in 2018 and valley in 2022 at the time the Town would expect to have an override. <br />Anticipated new growth includes the cottages neighborhood project in New Seabury, the Mashpee <br />Commons expansion project, and several new subdivisions including a new development in Southport. <br />With regards to Community Preservation Act funding Mr. Streebel indicated if the Town voted to opt <br />out of the program, the Town would save on the tax rate. The CPA tax assessed on real estate is 3%. <br />Under the Act, a Town may choose to vote out of the program in 2020 although municipalities cannot <br />fully opt out of the CPA until all debt obligations have been met. The debt would be required to be <br />reserved in the CPC Fund balance. In fiscal year 2027, the CPA debt would be fully compensated. It <br />was agreed this matter would be reviewed with the Community Preservation Committee at their next <br />meeting. <br />Rodney C. Collins Town Manager indicated the strategy planned for this informational session will <br />allow time for the Board of Selectmen to further review and understand the financial forecast. It was <br />recommended the Board provide guidance to the Town Manager and prioritize funding. Scenario 1 is <br />status quo and a good base to build upon to maintain the level of current operations realizing there are <br />challenges to recognize in fiscal year 2022. Mr. Collins indicated this process is a responsible and <br />conservative budgeting plan for the next ten years. <br />It was noted the Finance Director would be updating the financial document on a yearly basis with <br />actual revenue amounts. Craig Mayen Treasurer/Tax Collector indicated this type of financial <br />awareness will positively affect the Town's AAA rating with Standard and Poor's. It was <br />recommended the Board adopt this plan as a guideline. Formalizing policies such as this including <br />investment policies, free cash policies and stabilization policies should be in place before the Town <br />would go out to bond. It was agreed the Board would further review the formation of policies as <br />recommended in the new few weeks. <br />The Board of Selectmen, Town Manager and Assistant Town Manager expressed appreciation to the <br />Financial Team for their assessment. <br />The Board of Selectmen will continue discussions regarding the analysis of costs relative to <br />wastewater/clean water initiatives. This includes different scenarios regarding financing, <br />implementation and initiatives, interest rates, loan forgiveness rates, zero interest loans, and adaptive <br />management approaches, etc. <br />
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