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191_ <br />oo. <br />Article 15. To see if the Town will vote to raise ar. <br />a n �.����^G�n �.,• '�+ o appropriate the sum of money for the support of School <br />and State ,Aided Vocational or take any other action v <br />there <br />V� %? r Approved. <br />� if S J � � • 02 t Article 16. To see if the Town wiIi vote to raise and <br />appropriate the sum of $200.00 to employ fire patrol <br />Article 5. To see if the Town will vote to instruct service on days announced by the Director of the Divi- <br />the Highway Surveyor and the Selectmen to co-operate sion of Forestry, to be of high fire hazard under Chapter <br />and contract with the Public Works Division of Highways 688 Acts of 194�ke any other action thereon. <br />for the general repairs of its roads under the provisions Approved. <br />of Chapter 81, of the General Laws, and to raise and ap- <br />pro rat��the sum of $2100.00 for t e s me. <br />/�,,� �/ Article 17. To see if the Town will vote to instruct <br />vea."�OV; � S� the Selectmen to have the Shellfish Constable to make <br />Articlesee Too the Town will vote to authorize monthly reports in writing of his work or take any other <br />the Town Treasurer, with the approval of the Selectmen, action thereon. <br />to borrow money from time to time in anticipation of <br />the revenue of the Financial Year, beginning in January i By request of the Fishermen. <br />1, 1943, and to issue a note or notes therefor payable in Approved. 24V l_ao "l <br />one year and to renew such note or notes that may be <br /> rr py$riod of one ygar or 1 ss. .. Article 18. To see if the Town will vote to raise and <br />npt)t)s3e11r��ver/�da``N 'Y� 14ppropriate the sum of $600.00 to purchase and install <br />A' a,&deziYi4"' 1 two way radio set for Mashpee Police Department or <br />Article 7. To see if the Town will vote to authorize + <br />take any other action thereon <br />the Treasurer with the approval of the Selectmen to <br />borrow money for ordinary maintenance expenses and N t a r <br />revenue loans, in accordance with the provisions of 2� <br />Chapter 49, Acts of 1933, as a end d or take any other } Article 19. To see if the Town will vote to raise and <br />actio appropriate the sum of $500.00 for equipment and ex- <br />A roved. penes of the Town's Committee of Public Safety, for <br />Civilian Defense, said appropriation to be expended upon <br />Article 8. To see if the Town will vote to raise and the approval of the Board of Selectmen, or take any oth- <br />appropriate the sum of $1,000.00 for foreclosure and to } ^; action thereon. <br />liquidate any tax titles held by the town; said sum to be jt <br />raised either in whole or in part by taxation or taken Ap rS coo. <br />1 <br />from any available funds approved by the Mashpee Ad- <br />vi so o fission. - Article 20. To see if the Town wil} vote to raise the <br />�)�b' f�jjlX sum of $150.00 for current expenses of W. P. A. Projects, <br />`� proves. ,namely the Commissary and Community Center to cover <br />Article 9. To see if the Town will vote to continue expenses from January 1, 1943 to March 1, 1943 or take <br />the Road Machinery Fund, to which shall be credited all any other action thereon. <br />receipts for the use and rental of the road machinery of Approved. <br />Mashpee. The proceeds appropriated as voted by the Q(/ <br />Town, for road machinery purposes, or take any other <br />Article 21. To see if the Town will vote to accept <br />actio It on. the provisions of Section 69, Chapter 152 of the General <br />Approve .,Qi�'bs'!7"�� Laws, Ter. Ed., as amended by Chapter 435 of the Acts <br />Article 10. To see if the Town will vote to give the of the year 1939, providing for the payment of workmen's <br />Surveyor of Highways. of the Town full and complete. compensation to in]ured employes of the Town. <br />control and supervision of all work on the highways of p _141 <br />the,Town of Mashpee whether the same be general re- Approves. <br />pairs or special work or construction and give him full Article 22. To see if the Town will vote to authorize <br />control and charge of any and all road working machin- the Selectmen or their successors in office be, and they <br />ery owned by the Town, or take any other action there- are hereby authorized, with the approval of the Mashpee <br />on Advisory Commission to sell at public or private sale <br />any or all of the real estate now owned or hereafter ac- <br />444 Approved. icuired by the Town through any type of proceedings for <br />q Article 11. To see if the Town will vote to transfer the foreclosure of tax titles, to impose reservations, re- <br />from the Road Machinery Fund, to the Machinery Ac- strictions or easements therein or thereon, and to exe- <br />count the sum of$ 0 00 pr take any other action rela- cute in the name and behalf of the Town and under its <br />I <br />tive thereto. ji,,-a1/ seal quit claim action <br />or other instruments therefor, or <br />take any other.teac on them <br />Article 12. To see if the Town will vote to establis} AS-W all Town labor at <br />55/0c per hour. Approve . <br />Approve�,J'A; —' <br />Article 23. To see if the Town will authorize the <br />Article 13. To see if the Towp will vote to authorize Selectmen to control, regulate or prohibit the taking of <br />J{ the Selectmen to appoint a Dog Officer and raise and cels by pots and any or ail kinds of shellfish within the <br />appropriate a sum of money for the same, namely $25.00 borders of the Town of Mashpee and such other author- <br />yearly salary and $5.00 for expenses. ity as provided in Section 52 of Chapter 130, of the Gen- <br />eral Laws, as inserted therein by Chapter 598 of the Acts <br />Approved. of 1941, or take any other action relative thereto. <br />Article 14. To see if the Town will vote to instruct Approved. <br />the Selectmen to contract with the State Division of <br />Marine Fisheries for financial aid in the planting.of Article 24. To see if the Town will authorize the <br />\ seed quahogs in Mashpee tidal waters, and raise and ap- Selectmen to issue iicenses for private shellfish grants <br />propriate the sum of $150.00 for the same, providing the in accordance with the provisions of See. 57, Chapter <br />State co-operates or takeany <br />_ottheerr action thereon. 130 of the Acts <br />Laws, as inserted thereon by Chapter <br />tzecommend $50.00 only. ZGfr'�w /7 •�a, oa 5982 of_1941>&X takeany�ctian thereon. <br />1 <br />