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Y <br />Town of Mashpee <br />Special Town Meeting <br />January 31, 1973 <br />Barnstable, ss. <br />To the Constable of the Town of Mashpee <br />GREETINGS: <br />Article 1. To see if the Town will raise and appropriate or <br />take from overlay surplus the sum of $1.00 to purchase a building <br />from Mrs. Zena Nemetz, this building to be used at the Town Dump <br />area, or take any other action thereon. <br />Submitted by the Board of Health <br />Action: Motion duly made and seconded that thblsum-of.' $1:00 <br />be taken from Overlay Surplus. Unanimous <br />Article 2. To see if the Town will votQ to amend the exist- <br />ing zoning by-law by adding the following to Section 10: SIGNS <br />thereof the following in the proper numerical sequence <br />10.27 SUBDIVISIONS: One subdivision name sign not to exceed 20 <br />square feet, may be permitted for each entry to a subdivision <br />from a public way. <br />'10.41 CONTRACTORS, DEVELOPERS: For each -construction or development <br />project, there mau be issued a temporary permit for one stabing <br />sign not to exceed 16 square feet in area, setting forth fac�s <br />and names pertinent to the subject. Such signs shall be removed <br />forthwith when the project is completed. <br />' Acti6n: Motion duly made and seconded to strike t'he word <br />"Developers". Article accepted as amended. A <br />Unynimous Vote. <br />Article 3. .To see if the Townwill vote to amend the existing <br />zoning map of the zoning by by-laws by changing the following area <br />from R-2 zoning district to C-2 zoning district: <br />The land situated near the intersection of Red Brook Road, <br />Great Oak Road and Great Neck Road bounded and described as follows: <br />A rectangular area extending southerly from Red Brook a depth <br />of 375' and extending easterly from Great Uak Road a depth of 500,1 <br />comprising approximately four and one-half acres. <br />Submitted by Hanslin Glynn Associates, Inc. <br />A letter was read from Hanslin, Glynn Associates, Inc., asking <br />that the article be withdrawn. <br />Action: Notion duly made and seconded that the letter of with- <br />drawal be accepted and the article withdrawn. <br />-Article*4. <br />AMENDMENT TO ZONING <br />To see if the Town will vote to amend the <br />ing sections 9:3 and 9.31 under Section 9 <br />'by adding the following in place thereof <br />9.3 OPEN SPACE MULTI -FAMILY DEVELOPMENT <br />BYLAW <br />Zoning By -Laws by delet- <br />Special Provisions, and' <br />and in addition thereto:_. <br />An Open. Space Multi -Family Development maybe allowed in R-1 and R-2 <br />zoning districts in accordande with the following procedures and <br />standards. <br />9.,31 SITE ELIGIBILITY.- A parcel of land located in zoning districts <br />R-1 and R-2 containing at least twenty'(20) acres, Pland subject to <br />seasonal or perodic flooding or covered by tidal water; pond, lake, <br />stream or liver not to be included), with at least 200' frontage on -a <br />247 <br />In <br />the name <br />of.the Commonwealth of <br />Massachusetts, you are <br />hereby <br />directed <br />to notify and summons the <br />inhabitants of the Town <br />of Mashpee, <br />at Town <br />who <br />Hall on <br />are qualified to vote in <br />Wednesday, January 31, <br />the elections, to meet <br />1973 at 7:30 o'clock p.m. <br />to act <br />on the articles contained in the <br />following warrant: <br />Article 1. To see if the Town will raise and appropriate or <br />take from overlay surplus the sum of $1.00 to purchase a building <br />from Mrs. Zena Nemetz, this building to be used at the Town Dump <br />area, or take any other action thereon. <br />Submitted by the Board of Health <br />Action: Motion duly made and seconded that thblsum-of.' $1:00 <br />be taken from Overlay Surplus. Unanimous <br />Article 2. To see if the Town will votQ to amend the exist- <br />ing zoning by-law by adding the following to Section 10: SIGNS <br />thereof the following in the proper numerical sequence <br />10.27 SUBDIVISIONS: One subdivision name sign not to exceed 20 <br />square feet, may be permitted for each entry to a subdivision <br />from a public way. <br />'10.41 CONTRACTORS, DEVELOPERS: For each -construction or development <br />project, there mau be issued a temporary permit for one stabing <br />sign not to exceed 16 square feet in area, setting forth fac�s <br />and names pertinent to the subject. Such signs shall be removed <br />forthwith when the project is completed. <br />' Acti6n: Motion duly made and seconded to strike t'he word <br />"Developers". Article accepted as amended. A <br />Unynimous Vote. <br />Article 3. .To see if the Townwill vote to amend the existing <br />zoning map of the zoning by by-laws by changing the following area <br />from R-2 zoning district to C-2 zoning district: <br />The land situated near the intersection of Red Brook Road, <br />Great Oak Road and Great Neck Road bounded and described as follows: <br />A rectangular area extending southerly from Red Brook a depth <br />of 375' and extending easterly from Great Uak Road a depth of 500,1 <br />comprising approximately four and one-half acres. <br />Submitted by Hanslin Glynn Associates, Inc. <br />A letter was read from Hanslin, Glynn Associates, Inc., asking <br />that the article be withdrawn. <br />Action: Notion duly made and seconded that the letter of with- <br />drawal be accepted and the article withdrawn. <br />-Article*4. <br />AMENDMENT TO ZONING <br />To see if the Town will vote to amend the <br />ing sections 9:3 and 9.31 under Section 9 <br />'by adding the following in place thereof <br />9.3 OPEN SPACE MULTI -FAMILY DEVELOPMENT <br />BYLAW <br />Zoning By -Laws by delet- <br />Special Provisions, and' <br />and in addition thereto:_. <br />An Open. Space Multi -Family Development maybe allowed in R-1 and R-2 <br />zoning districts in accordande with the following procedures and <br />standards. <br />9.,31 SITE ELIGIBILITY.- A parcel of land located in zoning districts <br />R-1 and R-2 containing at least twenty'(20) acres, Pland subject to <br />seasonal or perodic flooding or covered by tidal water; pond, lake, <br />stream or liver not to be included), with at least 200' frontage on -a <br />247 <br />
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