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-4_ . <br /> Charles: No, evidentally not. He has not said anything about a crawl space. He is <br /> allowing a full cellar as long as the windows are open. <br /> Pauline: To break away. <br /> Wayne: How much fill are you bringing in? <br /> Mr. Bunikis: By this scheme, there is approximately 300 maybe 325. When. I raise this <br /> whole system, I may increase it to 450. <br /> Wayne: Where are you going to get your fill from? Is it going to be a sandy type of <br /> fill? <br /> `ir. Bunikis: Oh, yes. When we build our system here, we will take all of the yielding <br /> material out and reDlaced with clean sand. <br /> Charles: There is a medium sand .as shown here, Wayne. There is about 2 to 2.8 feet of <br /> loam and sub-soil and the rest is medium sand. <br /> Mr. Bunikis: .Which did perk good. <br /> Charles: We can write up it as "in kind" in here. <br /> Wayne: There is a four foot fill on the top. <br /> Charles: Yes, you're essentially berming it. <br /> Wayne: There should be something put in the Order of Conditions re-establishing that <br /> berm afterwards to make sure it is put in place. <br /> Ken: Do you have any intention in putting any fill closer to the water than this line? <br /> Mr. Bunikis: Now that I have been asked to raise this, chances are that I will have to <br /> come out a little bit, <br /> Pauline: Will you send us a letter notarizing that you are going to change this as it <br /> has been submitted to the Conservation Commission because the footage will be completely <br /> different if we say according to plans. <br /> Mr. Bunikis: I am going to get my revised plan to you immediately so that you can hold <br /> up on that whole order. My draftsman knows that he has to do it tomorrow. And 1 will <br /> suspect that you will have it by Monday. <br /> Charles: Recommends that he send DcEQE revised plans also. We will take this under <br /> advisement. <br /> Pauline: You know about posting your number and everything. <br /> Mr. Bunikis: Yes. <br /> $10 for the advertising costs was received. <br />