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Mr. Robbins wanted to clarify the Enforcement wording within the Guidelines as it pertains to 21 <br /> days, and the reasoning why it isn't the more typical 14 days. Mr. Fudala confirmed that it is <br /> wording which comes from the town By-laws. <br /> Mr. Fudala will draft the notice for the public hearing,which will be sent by Charlotte. He will <br /> also post ads as appropriate. <br /> Mr. Fudala distributed copies of the"Guidebook for Historic District Commissions in <br /> Massachusetts"to the Commissioners. <br /> Mr. Picard shared photocopied images of historic building photos which appeared too dark. The <br /> Commissioners suggested that Ms.Adams be contacted regarding the photographs that she has <br /> of buildings located within the Historic District. Although it will be difficult to identify specific <br /> architectural features, it will give the applicant a better idea about the overall look. The <br /> Commission agreed that it would be helpful to have sketches or examples available to better <br /> identify any architectural terms that may be unclear,but do not want to hold up the publication <br /> by doing so. <br /> The Chair called for a motion to adjourn. <br /> Motion made by Mr.Mullin to adjourn the meeting. Motion seconded by Mr.Robbins. All <br /> voted unanimously. <br /> Meeting adjourned at 5:25 p.m. <br /> i <br /> Respectfully submitted, <br /> Je 'fer Clifford <br /> Board Secretary <br /> 4 <br />