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2 - <br /> Mr. Charles Maher and Chris Burden appeared for New Seabury <br /> Corporation and picked up the following original pians : Morgan <br /> Circle, Hunt Circle, and Paddock Way. They also submitted an <br /> approval not required plan for 4.7 acres off Cross Road. The plan <br /> was signed. <br /> Mr. Vincent Porciello submitted a preliminary plan drawn by <br /> John Doyle covering 19.4 acres located between Great Oak Road and <br /> Jehu "Pond and containing 30 lots. It was designed for cluster zoning. <br /> The Board specified the following items are to be shown on the <br /> definitive plan : <br /> 1 . Road bounds. <br /> 2. Method of ownership of common area. <br /> 3. Street names. <br /> 4. Underground utilities. <br /> 5. Approval of the profile plans by the Town Engineer. <br /> Mr. Jonathan Fitch submitted a definitive plan of a cluster <br /> zoning proposal off Mashpee Neck Road. The Board recommended that <br /> the cul-de-sacs be increased from 50' to 60' radius and that road <br /> bounds are to be set where required. <br /> Public hearing is scheduled for May 3, 1972. <br /> Leo Houston submitted a definitive plan for a 9 lot subdivision <br /> between Mashpee Neck Road and the Santuit River. The Board recommended <br /> that the cul-de-sac be increased to a radius of 60' and that all road <br /> bounds be set as required. <br /> Public hearing is scheduled for May 3, 1972. <br /> Mr. John Umina presented a proposed condominium complex to the <br /> Board for its opinion and advice. Mr. Umina was proposing 175 town <br /> house units on land on Route 28 opposite the old Indian Church. <br /> After much discussion, the Board suggested that the total density <br /> be lowered from approximately 7 units per acre to approximately <br />