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W 2 <br /> Mr. Baxter also submitted a definitive plan of Conaumet Highlands <br /> nd Charles E. Dow. The board made several <br /> owned by William C. Nye a <br /> suggestions as follows: <br /> 1. A level area of approximately 30 to 50 feet will be <br /> provided at the entrance to Candlewood Lane and <br /> Silver Leaf Lane. <br /> 2. Berms are to be provided and shown on the profile plans <br /> where the grade exceeds 3%. <br /> The public hearing had previously been scheduled for 4-5-72. <br /> After discussing several bids to provide a new town map, it <br /> was decided to contract with Savery Engineering Company to provide <br /> this material and the Chairman is to notify them. The cost will be <br /> $400.00. <br /> John Umina requested that he be allowed to substitute a bond <br /> for the convenant on Birch Way only, in the Mashpee Shore Development <br /> owned by Z. J. Realty Trust. The Planning Board approved Mr. Umina`s <br /> request and stipulated that the bond requirements would be $14,000 <br /> if the leaching basins are not installed and $12,000 if they are <br /> installed. <br /> It was agreed that an executive session would be held on 3-29-72. <br /> The meeting adjourned at 10:50 P:M. <br /> Respectfully submitted, <br /> Earle Marsters, Chairman <br />