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TOWN OF MASHPEE PLANNING BOARD <br /> A meeting was held on January 5, 1972, at Mashpee Town <br /> Hall at 8:00 P.M. <br /> Members in Attendance: <br /> Earle Marsters, Chairman <br /> Richardson Jonas <br /> William Lehmann <br /> Members Absent: <br /> Arthur Koch <br /> Joesph .Delaney <br /> Mr. William Nye of Savory Engineering estimated that the proposal <br /> of a new zoning map with updated street locations of all existing <br /> streets would cost approximately $400.00. <br /> Mr. John R. Umina submitted a definitive plan under cluster zoning <br /> for a subdivision which will be an extension of Cotuit Corners. <br /> Mt. William Mills and Mrs. Marie Griffin attended from the Conservation <br /> Commission. They are investigating the possibility of the Conservation <br /> Commission assuming ownership of the Cape and Vineyard right of way <br /> which is to be left as open area under the cluster zoning proposal. <br /> Mr. Umina will provide the Commission with the details of the easement. <br /> Mr. Nye will investigate the ownership of Strawberry Lane to be <br /> certain that a 40 foot right of way can be provided. Mr. Nye took <br /> back the original Iet to enter street names and correct Strawberry <br /> Lane if necessary. The Form C was not submitted. <br /> The Fitch Brothers submitted a preliminary plan for 11 lots off <br /> Mashpee Neck Road boarding Shoe String Bay. The board recommended <br /> that the road be extended through the entire subdivision so that in <br /> the future it could be extended to be a through way. However, at <br /> this time they may provide a Cul-De-Sec at the end of the road. <br /> Beacuse this is a dead end road they will try to keep the grades to 6%. <br /> The Fitch Brothers submitted a plan for discussion, outlining a cluster <br /> zoning proposal off Mashpee Neck Road adjacent to Jack Bon Road. <br /> The area consists of 22.4 acres. There were a few cases where the <br /> lots did not bound the open space and were less than 15,000 square feet. <br /> They were told to either increase the lots to 15,000 or provide access <br /> to the open area. John Fitch asked if the roads fronting on Mashpee <br /> Neck Road would be released prior to completion of the subdivision. <br /> Because these lots do not conform with the normal requirements for <br /> this area the board stated that it would have to discuss the problem <br /> further and would notify the Fitchs at the next meeting. <br />