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3 - <br /> 4 Mr. Edward Lee requested the release of, #239 in the Ashumet <br /> Shores subdivision (section 2) . It appears that a release was granted <br /> previously when this lot had been sold. However, the release had not <br /> been recorded. The board signed the release and Mr. Jonas will <br /> leave the release with Mr. Staff to be notarized. Mr. Lee will pick <br /> it up from Mr. Staff. <br /> Mr. Chris Burden of New Seabury Corporation submitted a plan <br /> under approval not required establishing a new lot consisting of <br /> 16,1.04 square feet located off Fairway Lane. The plan was approved. <br /> Mr. Burden agreed to meet with the board on January 26, 1972 at <br /> 8:00 P.M. to present the plans for the use of the recently combined <br /> cluster zoning areas where approximately 1,600 units are allowed. <br /> The board indicated .that if they do not approve of these plans they <br /> intend to challenge .this recent article approving this consolidation <br /> in the courts. <br /> Mr. Burden and Mr. Ogeron submitted a revised definitive plan for <br /> a subdivision off Gleneagle Drive. The board requested that they reduce <br /> the grade if possible to 6% to 7% from the 9% shown. February 2, 1972 <br /> was set as the date for the public hearing. <br /> r - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - <br /> The meeting adjourned at 12:00 A.M. <br /> Respectfully submitted, <br /> Earle Marsters, Chairman <br />