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5/14/2015 HOUSING AUTHORITY Minutes
5/14/2015 HOUSING AUTHORITY Minutes
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9/29/2017 2:48:52 PM
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9/29/2017 2:48:42 PM
Mashpee_Meeting Documents
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which continued our Housing Assistance Program for another three years. Without the continued <br /> funding, the program will essentially end June 30. After a short discussion, a motion was <br /> made by Mr. Laporte and seconded by Ms. Allen to table this item until July. The <br /> motion was adopted. <br /> b) Available Town Land: This item was placed on the agenda by the Chairperson in order to start <br /> the discussion about what pieces of property in the town would be available for potential <br /> development of affordable housing. For members to review, Mrs. Botsford distributed the Town's <br /> Affordable Housing &Planned Production Plan, which was recently submitted to DHCD by the <br /> town. It was suggested by the chair that the Town Planner be contacted to get copies of the <br /> lists and maps of the Mashpee tax taking properties, Mrs. Botsford will follow through with this. <br /> c) Creat Cove Communily compliance review: Mrs. Botsford informed the board that GCC has many <br /> reviews (similar to Asher's Path) by different agencies. MassHousingi Partnership, Cape Cod <br /> Commission County Home Fund Program, and DHCD. Reviews have gone well with MHP and the <br /> Home program, however when DHCD came out to review the program they cited us for a few <br /> things. Two items were immediately addressed, as they pertained to documents and policies, <br /> which were in fact already in place. The biggest issue was that they wanted income verified by <br /> collecting eight-weeks' paystubs instead of the six, which is how Carol had done it. At the time <br /> we were screening applicants, which was the way to do it. Mrs. Botsford informed the board that <br /> Carol has done a great job of gathering all the required documents and getting them to DHCD in <br /> response to this finding. <br /> d) Office Renovations: Mrs. Botsford informed the board that since we have grown, Carol's office <br /> space is quite tight. Mrs. Botsford would like to reconfigure the layout of the office space and the <br /> entrance to the office. The funding from this job would come for administrative fees earned by <br /> the Asher's Path management agreement. After a short discussion, a motion was made by Mr. <br /> Harsch and seconded by Laporte to allow up to $9,000.00,in funds from Asher's Path <br /> fees to accomplish this job. The motion was adopted. Mrs. Botsford will get the project <br /> going and it should be completed by the end of the summer. <br /> OTHER B!ASINESS: none <br /> COMMUNICATIONS !;QRRESPONDENCE: none that hasn't already been mentioned. <br /> NEXT MEETING: The next meeting will be Thursday,June 11, 2015 at 6:00 PM unless changed <br /> beforehand. <br /> MEETING ADJOURNMENT: A motion was made by Ms.Allen and seconded by Mr.Shackett to <br /> adjourn. The motion carried. The meeting was adjourned at 6:35 PM. <br /> Respec submitted, <br /> Bila Bot , rd, MPHR, M , C' <br /> Secreta ' <br /> Executive Director <br /> Page 3 of 3 <br />
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