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1/14/85 <br /> 0 , Approximately $9000 will be needed to implement the numbering of <br /> houses . <br /> 1 . Purchase of a. t pewrif-eri for the Board d f Elections and Registrations <br /> approximately $650 . - <br /> 23 , $650 to purchase a typewriter for the Town Planner. <br /> 240 - $517 for office i e furniture for the Town Planner, to include <br /> a file cabinet, typewriter stand and a chair. The committee <br /> suggested that ' lir. Fudala purchase the equipment through <br /> the county purchasing system; lir. will provide more <br /> information on the cost through this system prior t-o the <br /> town meeting . <br /> 14 , Davis School renovation - was $6000 but has - been changed <br /> to $1500 . The Town Planner' s office will be lcoa.ted in the <br /> present kitchen' - all other offices to remain in the same. <br /> 25 , $5000 to the Dept . of Public . T ri s Building Maintenance ACcount . <br /> Ir, Virglio r ported that most of the money went into the <br /> fire and police buildings, only emergency repairs are now <br /> being handled as there is only a. small amount left in the <br /> account . All repair work is now being handled on Work order <br /> Request Forms . Ir3. Virgilio felt that $21,000 to $22,,000 <br /> will be needed in this account the next fiscal year. <br /> The committee will meeting again at 6 p .m. on Wednesday, February <br /> to vote on the articles . <br /> Budget hearings will begin on Tuesday, February 12, at 6 p .m, .,, <br /> and will meet each Monday and Tuesda.y at 6 until all budgets have <br /> been reviewed . <br /> Ther}ane e t i wasadjourned at .m. <br /> . <br /> Joyce Nowell, Secretary <br />