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2/19/1985 FINANCE COMMITTEE Minutes
2/19/1985 FINANCE COMMITTEE Minutes
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` To U of IfaqbPer <br /> 01 <br /> own i att <br /> NANC <br /> E COMMITTEE <br /> Finance .Committee Minutes <br /> February 1 , 1985 <br /> esnt: Frederic Blythe, Jane Paterson, -Elizabeth Terry and William Towner <br /> sent_"w Louis Hronek, Avis McKinley and David ,Roddy <br /> rk and Recreation - Wendy Rubin, Recreation Director, and Jane Hendricks and Martin <br /> apiro of the Attaquin Park Task Force were present at the meeting. Wendy reported <br /> at the beach stickers would be increased from $5 t 10, and from. 2.50 t for senior <br /> tien . She is attempting to schedule a -full time operation at Johns Pond. Last year <br /> was -two- days on and 5 days off. There are two areas of concern 'at .Johns Pond - boats <br /> d jet skis. The budget. includes a fulltime operation for Atta►quin Park. Jane Hendricks <br /> ported that the Tribal Council has suggested leasing the Park. - The Board of Selectmen <br /> e drawing up a lease and will be put before the voters at the annual town meeting. <br /> the Tribal Council leases the Park, the town would probably be responsible for trash <br /> ck up etc. The question of liability is unclear at this time. Mr. Blythe felt that <br /> e town should not spend any money at this time on the park and not provide lifeguards, <br /> t only someone at the gate, unless a member of the Tribal Council would be willing <br /> be a lifeguard. The people who use the Attaquin Park would like to have the basketball <br /> p installed and -would prefer not to have a polic officer on duty, but called only <br /> en necessary, .Jane Hendricks asked if the the Finance Committee would recommend <br /> asing the beach to the Tribal Council. Mr. Towner felt that he would not like to vote until <br /> say the lease; the committee was in agreement. <br /> n Planner - Mr. Fudala explained that the town received a grant of $1580 from the <br /> ate to conduct a study on open space conservation and recreation. This study is necessary <br /> order for- the town to qualify for state and federal funds for recreation facilities. <br /> 132 is necessary to complete the study; Mr. Fudala is requesting $2.5.52. Mr. Fudala's <br /> quested salary of $27463..68 represents a 3% increase and step 2. The secretary's <br /> lary includes step 2 after February 14, 1986. The Traffic Counter expense of $3120 <br /> based on, 624 man hours in order ,to develop a roadway master plan. The plan would <br /> cJude manual counting 5.0 hour and automatic recorders. Mr. Fudala felt this plan <br /> uld improve traffic flow -and indicate areas of turns and signals. The telephone <br /> sic service of o he felt was based on four phones, and he will need two, so the cost <br />'could be reduced. He will check with the telephone company for accurate costs. <br /> i llfish - Middleton 'Malley-Keyes, shellfish officer, felt that $20,000 is necessary <br /> r reseeding. He would like to purchase contaminated adult stock for reseeding - 800 <br /> ishels. at 1 ($129800) 5 $2500 to rid Jehu Pondf $450 t restock J hu Pond, <br /> iilding of rafts for reseeding $1000, seed quahogs or the rafts , and $2000 for softshell <br /> Lams, for -an approximate total of $24,000 - balance now in account $3000.- Mr. O'Malley- <br /> eyes <br /> 'Di lle r_eyes has formed a committee to upgrade the program and to receive accurate. information. <br /> ie commmittee consists of a marine biologist, commercial shellfisher, w representative <br /> rom the Tribal Council, and a family permit holder. He has gone into the- initial stage <br /> ith the 'Tribal Council for an oyster farm - the town would receive 10% of revenue received. <br /> L5,000 and $20,000 would be necessary for the next couple of years to maintain this <br /> rorarn. Tangible results would appear in 3 years and beneficial results in 5 years. <br />�rmit fees have changed - 0 for non-resident permit this would not apply <br /> someone who owns a hone/condo and spends some time here) , including lot owners, 10 <br /> roily permit, 50 commerical, and a new guest permit of to (one person) . one guest permit <br />)uld be allowed per family per season. ' The state will reimburse the town 22% based on <br /> ie previous year's expense, which will go into general funds. The fine procedure has been <br /> iangod and is now similar to a speeding violation. <br /> J <br />
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