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2/19185 2 <br /> Vere will be -two year-round . deputy wardens and three seasonal, in addition to the <br /> shellfish warden. The committee did not vote to recommend the budget, although <br /> everyone seemed supportive, and will review the requests after getting a total <br /> for all budgets and articles. <br /> The School -budget will not be available until Monday, February 2 , 1985. <br /> The committee agreed to send David Roddy a letter inviting him to participate in <br /> the weekly budget hearings, or to resign in order to maintain a q o om. <br /> Mr. Chester Kosblinsky, Harbor Master, informed the committee that $100 for <br /> each deputy harbormaster was included in the gas and oil expense account , <br /> plus oo for the harbor master, for a total of $1200. The o for the Harbor <br /> Master salary was based on loo hours at $8 per hour. <br /> The committee will invite Edward Harti , Fire Chief, to the February 26 meeting to <br /> discuss the Fire. Department budget. The Police Budget will be reviewed on Monday, <br /> March 4, and the Board of Selectmen will meet on Tuesday, March 5 to discuss <br /> their budget. <br /> The meeting was adjourned at 8:15 p.m. <br /> Joyce Howell, Secretary <br /> i <br />