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4/1/85 2 <br /> The article.s. pertaining to Popponesset Island dredging were also put on "hold," <br /> Mr. Danson felt. there wasn't a need to discuss the warrant, but suggested discussing <br /> ways to decrease expenses. The projected revenue for F . '86 is $6,870,872, and projected <br /> expenses are $7,994,361. He stated that by eliminating new positions ($217,485), <br /> capital equipment/projects ($524,562), and other articles on the warrant ($105,691) , <br /> would reduce the expenses, but not enough to be in line with the revenue. <br /> Mr. Murphy suggested areas of potential increased revenuq which included $25,000 in <br /> estimated receipts, $57,000 in additional growth factor, bog receipts, $240,000 in <br /> free dash available in September) revenue sharing and 2 exemptions. A maximum <br /> of three exemptions are allowed on the ballot. <br /> The meeting was adjourned until Tuesday evening at 6 p.m. The Board of Selectmen <br /> will meet Tuesday morning to discuss priorities and exemption questions. <br /> The meeting was adjourned at 8:15 p.m. <br /> Joyce Howell <br /> i <br />