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4/23/1985 FINANCE COMMITTEE Minutes
4/23/1985 FINANCE COMMITTEE Minutes
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r <br /> Toton #Raqbprr <br /> F ro <br /> * 4, w n a t <br /> [12649 <br /> ANCE COMMITTEE <br /> Mashpee Finance Committee Minutes <br /> April 23, 1985 <br /> Present: Frederic Blythe, Louis Hrone , Jane Peterson, David Roddy, Elizabeth Terry <br /> and David Roddy <br /> Absent: Avis McKinley <br /> The Waterway Committee, Chester I oblinsky, Ernest Roberts, Lein Swartz, met with the <br /> Finance Committee to discuss the purchase of signs-' ($1000) for inland waterways <br /> and dredging of Popponesset Bay. The town appropriated $5000 for dredging studies but <br /> funds used to this point have come from the Greater Popponesset Bay Association; fund <br /> might not be needed. Meetings have been set up state agencies, but if the town does <br /> not make a commitment, the committee felt it would be difficult to go back to the <br /> state and federal agencies at a later date. fir. Koblinsky felt that the inside dredging <br /> would last for approximately 25 years, but was uncertain about the outside dredging. <br /> He did feel, however, that the filling in would be spotty and would be a minor job <br /> to open up those areas. Barnstable has stated they would not oppose the dredging. <br /> The state usually grants 75% of the cost; cost estimate $1.50,000 to $200,000. The <br /> committee would like the town to authorize a bond issue if the grant becomes available. <br /> Boat, permanent and floating doers and mooring taxes were discussed. Mr. Blythe felt <br /> that boat excise tax should be set aside for waterway 'improvements and would like <br /> an article ihse ted�to__that.-effect. <br /> Mr. Ernest Virgilio, Director of Public Works, attended the meeting to discuss the <br /> noir and ice account and other articles inserted in the Special Town Meeting warrant. <br /> The committee questioned why the snow and ice removal was the third highest on the <br /> Cape. Mr. Virgilio felt it was because Mashpee plows privately owned roads as well <br /> as public roads. it was wrought out that secondary roads in other communities were <br /> not dome, or were not done right away. Mr. Blythe suggested that costs and miles <br /> for both private and public roads we available at the Special Town Meeting. <br /> Article 19 requesting $9500 for office and garage furnishing and equipment was discussed. <br /> The Building Committee deleted this amount from thia original Building budget. . The <br /> Finance Committee is opposed to this article. <br /> Mr. Virgilio will ask that all the articles he submitted for the Annual Town Meeting <br /> be postponed since funds are not available. He felt that equipment is needed and <br /> has checked with several companies for leas e/purchase vehicles. He felt that <br /> approximately $30,000 annul ll for three years. would outfit his department. At the <br /> end of three gears, the vehicle could be purchased for $1.00 Th F- mm- ittee{.suggested <br /> that Mr. Virgilio get more information, ,including the cost to purchase vehicles for <br /> all departments, and meet again in the fall. <br />
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