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Town of Mas l i pee <br /> J-1istorirccl. C...'otrz.rni,sscvrz <br /> 16 Great Neck'Road North <br /> Mashpee, Massachusetts <br /> 02649 Telephone - (508) <br /> 539-1400, ext. 8550 <br /> MASHPEE HISTORICAL COMMISSION <br /> Minutes of Meeting—December 19, 2013 <br /> The Town of Mashpee historical Commission meeting was called to order in the <br /> Archives temporary office at Town Hall at 11:15am by Nancy Soderberg, <br /> Chairperson. <br /> Commissioners Present: Frank Lord, Rosemary Burns Love, and Nancy <br /> Soderberg. Catherine Laurent, DPW, was also in attendance. <br /> A motion was made, and seconded, that we accept the Minutes of the July 2, 2013, <br /> meeting as presented. <br /> Re orfs: <br /> Budget for the fiscal year (July 2013-June 2014), is limited to $500 for expenses. <br /> The salary for the clerk, Ann Graham, remained the same at $4,500. As of the end <br /> of November 2013, we have spent 3 8% of our budget for expenses and 68% of the <br /> budget for the salary for the clerk. Nancy has requested that our expense budget <br /> for 2015 be increased to $1000, including membership fees to archive and <br /> historical organizations of$155, and to increase the salary of the clerk to $5,000. <br /> The 2011 Public Archaeological Laboratory, Inc. report(Archaeological <br /> Reconnaissance Survey, PAL #2.299)non-sensitive map layers are now posted on <br /> the town GIS webpage. GTS coordinator Clayson Nicholslon has printed full size <br /> (11x17) colored maps for public requests. <br /> The commissioners discussed methods for handling requests for access to this <br /> confidential report such as the request from US Fish and Wildlife contractor TCT <br /> who is preparing a comprehensive conservation plan for Mashpee National <br /> Wildlife Refuge. Non-sensitive paper maps (Appendix A, Figs 1 and 2) and <br /> Glossary(Appendix B) are available from town clerk. We discussed referring <br /> requests for additional information to Edward Bell, Mass. Historical Commission <br />