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Discussion: Barbara presented the newsletter as completed so far. Barbara asked Mike for a brief bio for <br /> the newsletter. Don will try to get something from the harbormaster or write a summary of information we <br /> have been given thus far for the summer. One more page is needed, <br /> Conclusions: The fall newsletter is nearing completion. <br /> [agenda #opic 41Algal Bloom <br /> Discussion: Don did not meet with Rick York as Waterways meeting was canceled, so there was no <br /> further information on the algal bloom, Mike said it lasted about a week and a half. Don will try to get <br /> more information before our next meeting. <br /> Conclusions: No further information is available for this meeting. <br /> [Agenda topic 5] Mission Statetrient <br /> Discussion: Rodney Collins, Town Manager is trying to get more information about committees on the <br /> town web site so that minutes and agendas are more readily available. The Town Clerk requested we send <br /> our Mission Statement to Clay Nicholson which Barbara did. It was reviewed and unanimously approved <br /> to leave it in its present form. <br /> Conclusions: The Missions Statement has been sent to Clay Nicholson for the Town web site, <br /> The meeting was adjourned at 7:54 P.M, <br /> Respectfully submitted, <br /> c- <br /> Barbara B. Nichols <br />