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12/6/2016 AFFORDABLE HOUSING Minutes
12/6/2016 AFFORDABLE HOUSING Minutes
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Mashpee Affordable Housing Committee <br /> Meeting Minutes <br /> y <br /> December 6, 2016 at *all pm <br /> Mashpee Town Hall <br /> Present: Chairman Walter- Abbott} Allan Isbitz, Bruce Willard <br /> Also: Wayne Taylor—Assistant Town Manager <br /> Absent: Marie Stone, Berkeley Johnson <br /> CALL TO ORDER <br /> Chairman Abbott opened the meeting at 6:30 p.m, with a quorum and the roll was called. <br /> APPROVAL of MINUTES- November 1, 2016 <br /> The Chair requested a correction to read "turned down" at the bottom of the first page. <br /> Mr. Isbitz made a motion to accept the minutes as amended. Mi. Willard seconded the motion. All voted <br /> Unanimously. <br /> OLD BUSINESS <br /> CPC Funding request for 950 Falmouth Road Feasibility Study & warrant Article for May Town <br /> Meeting to Transfer 209 oldBarnstable/950 Falmouth Road-Mr. Taylor reported that he had met with Mr. <br /> Johnson and an Affordable Tryst Fleeting would take place on December 19. It was announced that Mr. Isbitz <br /> would now be a member of the Trust as Mr. Johnson asked to step down. Mr. Taylor indicated that he had a <br /> discussion with the Board of Selectmen.about being at a standstill with the Trust. Mr. Taylor confirmed that the <br /> Trust meeting would be open to the public. Mr. Taylor sent a letter to Heather-Hopper at the Cape Cod <br /> Commission, requesting the amount of mitigation funds available, believed to total $261,000. Ms. Hopper <br /> confirmed that the funds could be used toward a feasibility study. It was noted that the funds needed to be <br /> requested and Mr. Taylor stated that the Affordable Housing Trust would request funds to complete the study <br /> on 950 Falmouth road, <br /> It was reported that Mashpee CPC fund requests were closed until October. The Chair stated that a letter of <br /> support had been submitted to the CPC Chair regarding the need for affordable housing funds. Mr. Taylor <br /> added that he had been in contact with Fran Fantasia regarding funds for affordable housing} who indicated <br /> that he kraad connections with Catholic charities to build or manage a project. There was some discussion <br /> regarding the incorrect water number used initially in the report, listed as $800,000 but then changed to <br /> o,000-100,000. Mr. Taylor felt that the focus should be on 950 Falmouth load which seemed to offer the <br /> best options. There was discussion regarding the challenges of 209 old Barnstable, particularly concerns <br /> expressed by the neighbors at Quashnet and the creed to add 32 units per year to reach an affordable housing <br /> goal of 10% in Mashpee. It was pointed out that both 950 and 209 were needed to,work toward achieving the <br /> goal. Mr. Taylor suggested that 209 could come in the future once 950 was up and running, The Chair <br /> suggested that 950 would be more costly due to its size. Mr. Isbitz recommended not stopping work on 209 <br /> because it could tale multiple ydars to complete a project. <br /> Mr, Taylor referenced the need to make the case to the Board of Selectmen and other members of the <br /> Affordable Housing "Trust to have both parcels moved to the care or custody of the Board of Selectmen through <br /> a Town Meeting vote. Mr. Taylor referenced the Tribe's request to receive all excess property but Mr. Isbitz <br /> indicated that 11s. Stone had reported that the Tribe would not stand in the way of the Town's development of <br /> affordable housing. Mr. Taylor will follow up on the custody of the land for Mr. Isbitz. <br /> The Chair inquired about Quashnet concerns, M-r. Willard responded that concerns had been expressed <br /> concerning increased traffic, impact to land values and increased crime concerns. Chairman Abbott emphasized <br /> that the housing was intended for the workforce such as for teachers, firefighters and police officers. i11.1r. <br />
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