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81 Market Street (continued) <br /> <br /> No constraints to numbering on Jobs Fishing Road. <br /> Tom Feronti mapped out number 81 Market Street for this building address, as well as <br />planning for the future. He said if they run out of addresses then will have to re-address in the <br />future. <br /> <br />Michael Mendoza stated that since addresses were an issue, he asked Clay Nicholson to attend this <br />meeting to be sure that the address assigned is workable. Mike asked whether it would be possible <br />to provide Clay with a copy of the whole Site Plan. Tom Feronti said he will send it to Clay. <br /> <br />Committee Comments <br /> <br />Jack Phelan had indicated that the Fire Department needed to see on plan the access pathway to <br />Jobs Fishing Road entrance. Tom Feronti said the Landscape Plan will show the access pathway. <br /> <br />Scott Carline commented that if Fire Department approves; then okay. <br /> <br />Catherine Laurent asked if parking is a combination of on-street and parking lot spaces. Tom Feronti <br />said commercial parking is on-street; resident parking is off-street in parking lot. He said there are no <br />assigned parking spaces. Tom Feronti said they needed 13 commercial parking spaces; and they <br />have sufficient parking between Jobs Fishing Road and Market Street to handle all parking <br />requirements. <br /> <br />Catherine asked about snowplowing—particularly with residences. Tom Feronti said they will contact <br />Cavossa to make sure that the snow is cleared. He said when DPW issues a parking ban, Jobs <br />Fishing Road has to be part of that parking ban. <br /> <br />Glen Harrington asked about any future uses for the commercial space. Tom Feronti said not yet. <br />He said space could be anything from office space to a café. If they do find a restaurant, he said they <br />would come back to this Board for any special permits, etc. needed. <br /> <br />Glen asked about public bathroom location. Tom Feronti said that there already exists one public <br />bathroom in the Commons. Glen said they would have to make sure the commercial business makes <br />bathroom available in view of the distance to the current public bathrooms. <br /> <br />Tom Fudala said the footprint is generally similar to what was approved by the Planning Board, but <br />the commercial space is quite different from what was approved. Tom Fudala said the elevations <br />much nicer than what was originally submitted. He said it’s the commercial square footage numbers <br />that he’s concerned about and requested Tom Feronti to provide total commercial square footage for <br />the area to date. Tom Feronti said he would provide this information. <br /> <br />Mike Mendoza asked about handicap parking. Tom Feronti pointed out on the Site Plan where the <br />existing handicap parking spaces were located to this building. He said there is no on-street <br />handicap parking in front of this building. <br /> <br />Mike asked about traffic issues during construction. Tom Feronti said they do everything possible not <br />to disrupt roadways. He said anytime they have to shut down a lane, they let all emergency services <br />know. <br /> <br /> 2 <br /> <br />